Forging the Fellowship Tag

Hi everyone! I know this is sort of set up as a book review blog (so far), but I thought it might be fun to do a tag or something on the last Friday of every month, because book reviews can get a tad bit stale (for y'all and me!) and this helps me to recharge. Plus, what good is having a blog if you can't steal borrow tags from people whenever you want? So, anyway, I am unapologetically borrowing stealing this tag from Jem (Who did give me permission to steal it, for the record). 

Tag created by Julia at :)

Rules of the Tag:
Include the tag banner in your post
Link back to the creator of the tag
Thank and link back to the person who tagged you (Thanks, Jem!)
Forge your Fellowship out of BOOK CHARACTERS by answering the given questions! (I will be putting the questions at the bottom of the post)
Tag three bloggers to pass the ring to. (I will be putting the tags at the bottom of the posts, too)
I'm actually also going to follow Jem's self-imposed rule in this one, too, and only use characters from fantasy books, because otherwise my head will explode. 

I actually figured out most of my answers to this tag, and then asked my siblings Legolas and Eomer for input, which, predictably, deteriorated into 10% arguing and 89.9999% laughing really, really hard about what the selected characters would do if they were in the same situations as the LOTR characters. And 0.0001% productive ideas.

Without further ado, the questions:
1. [The Ring Bearer]: If you could choose, which of the four races would you be: Elf, Dwarf, Human, or Hobbit? 
Hobbit, 1000%. They love trees! They love being outside! They are strong and underestimated! They eat all the time! I have a very fast metabolism and an unhealthy distain for large meals, so I already eat basically all the Hobbit meals every day, which is 90% of being a Hobbit, so I'm almost there already! (Wow, that was a lot of exclamation marks!)
Animated GIF
2. [Gandalf the Grey]: A wise/powerful elder/mentor character: 
The Magus from The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner. This one was the last slot I filled, and I'm still a little ambivalent about my choice...the Magus is more interested in lore than actually getting jobs done, so I can just see him sitting down beside the trail to jot down some notes. And I'm not sure he'd be able to handle the DRAMA. 
3. [Aragorn]: A character with good survival skills: 

Will Treaty from Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan. Will has the coolest survival skills, and it's only fair to put a Ranger in the slot of The Ranger. Also, I have book crushes on both of them, so it's perfect. Shhh, I did not just tell you that. 
4. [Boromir]: A character who makes mistakes, but has a good heart: 

Howl, from Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. Howl has made one extraordinarily large mistake, but, as Calcifer could tell you, he has an extremely tender heart, and while he's very vain, would probably be the glue that holds this party together. Maybe. If he can stop washing his hair in the hot springs. 
*There would be a gif here, but I absolutely refuse to acknowledge that the HMC movie has anything to do with the book*
5. [Gimli]: A stubborn character: 
Eilonwy from the The Book of Three series by Lloyd Alexander. Eilonwy is the most hilarious, and she also has a really cool glowing ball that would come in handy in the mines of Moria. And while she is super stubborn, she's also very loyal, just like Gimli.
Image result for eilonwy
6. [Legolas]: A character who is talented: 
Hermione from the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. She's a brainiac, and very, very good at research. I'm positive Will will be lining up a shot at a deer for the party to eat, and Hermione will pop up and be like "You're holding the bow wrong, and isn't it the wrong season for deer?" in her fabulous British accent, and totally startle the deer. 
Animated GIF
7. [Peregrin Took]: A character who at first seems useless, but ends up surprising you: 
Eugenides from The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner. I was NOT going to use two characters from the same series, but then Legolas and Eomer pointed out that 
a) Gen would totally act like Pippin all the time
b) He would not brook being left behind if the Magus is going somewhere
So, I had to accede, and no, I will not tell you why he seems useless and how he ended up surprising me, because #spoilers.
8. [Meriadoc Brandybuck]: A character who is small/not very strong, but has great courage: 

Leeli, aka Lizardkicker from On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson. She is such a fun character, and I feel like she'll pull this ridiculously dysfunctional party together, probably a lot more than Howl will. I also think that crusty Gen would have a soft spot for her, appropriately, since they are Merry and Pippin... 
See the source image
9. [Samwise Gamgee]: A character who is extremely loyal and doesn’t give up: Lucy Pevinsie from the Narnia series by C. S. Lewis. There is no one besides actual Sam Gamgee that I would rather have with me on the way into Mordor. 
Animated GIF
I was kind of thinking of the older Lucy from The Horse and His Boy, but this works too.

This tag was very fun, but I'm quite sure that this party would end up fighting all the time while the Magus sat around with his hands in the air, and I tried to actually convince them to take the darn ring to Mordor. And also, Eugenides would totally steal Eilonwy's glowing ball. 

Tag Questions:

1. [The Ring Bearer]: If you could choose, which of the four races would you be: Elf, Dwarf, Human, or Hobbit?
2. [Gandalf the Grey]: A wise/powerful elder/mentor character:
3. [Aragorn]: A character with good survival skills:
4. [Boromir]: A character who makes mistakes, but has a good heart:
5. [Gimli]: A stubborn character:
6. [Legolas]: A character who is talented:
7. [Peregrin Took]: A character who at first seems useless, but ends up surprising you:
8. [Meriadoc Brandybuck]: A character who is small/not very strong, but has great courage:
9. [Samwise Gamgee]: A character who is extremely loyal and doesn’t give up:

I Tag: 

Catherine @ Catherine's Rebelling Muse
Nicole Dust @ Legend of a Writer
Faith @ R. F. Gammon, Author

Thanks for sticking around, everyone! See you soon!

Which of these books is your favorite? Have you read The Queen's Thief, because if you have, please squeal about it in the comments with me. :)


  1. Great answers! Haha, Howl would be a great addition to this party! He is so dramatic. The book and movie are so different but I like them both because the movie was my introduction to it.

    Oh, I've been meaning to read The Book of Three series because the movie The Black Cauldron is one of my childhood favorites. Eilonwy was always my favorite in it!

    Ah, Lucy is the perfect choice for the last question! This is a fun tag! I might have to borrow it...

    1. Thank you!

      Yes, you should totally read The Book of Three! Those books are some of my very favorite of the ones I read when I was younger, and I still love reading them! Lloyd Alexander is amazing. :)

      Please do! I would love to see your answers, and it's a very pirate-able tag XD

  2. Awesome answers, Samantha!! I love your choice of Lucy for the Samwise character!

    I actually did this tag a year ago, so I'll include the link to the post in which it's included (it's at the bottom, sorry to have to make you scroll through two other tags!)

    1. Thank you!

      Oops, sorry! I searched your blog to see if you had done it, but it must not have shown up. :) Oh well, I look forward to seeing your answers!

    2. *reading your answers, that is.

  3. Such a fun tag!

    Also, sidenote that really has nothing to do with your answers, BUT WHY HAVEN'T THEY MADE A HORSE AND HIS BOY MOVIE YET?!

    1. It really is!

      I know your outrage is mostly rhetorical (:D) but maybe it's because Netflix has the rights for Narnia movies now? Grrrr...not excited about that.

  4. Aaahhhhh! I am totally stealing this tag to use during the Silmaril Awards this year!!!

    Also, I'VE READ ALL OF THESE BOOKS! (And may I say, you clearly have EXCELLENT taste) :)

    Yes, I am over here catching up on all your posts... yes, I do have other things to do... why do you ask?

    I love your answers to all of these! Gen is SO Pippin! *nods* very true. And Hermione would totally come over and correct Will on his archery skills and end up startling the deer away... but she'd make up for it by spotting some sort of useful plant that you can somehow (probably with magical help) turn into a whole feast, so everyone would forgive her in the end.

    1. Feel free! I look forward to seeing your answers! Also, what are the Silmaril Awards? They sound like something I would enjoy/should know about.

      YAY! You obviously have excellent taste as well. :) I don't meet people every day who have read Ranger's Apprentice AND the Queen's Thief Series!

      Thank you! They were a lot of fun to come up with! Gen is indeed the perfect Pippin. :) It's true, Hermione would probably be more of a help than a hindrance in most cases!

    2. The Silmaril Awards are an annual blogging event hosted by myself and 9 other bloggers in September. It's super fun and one of my favoritest things online. It's kind of like an "Oscars" but for Fantasy Characters. There is a week of nominations, so each blogger has a category (Wisest Counselor, Most Epic Heroine, Most Nefarious Villain... etc) and readers nominate and "second" characters they think fit the description. The top 5 most nominated characters in each category move on to the final voting round, and then we have 2 weeks of award ceremonies. You can learn more about them and read some of the past year's ceremonies here:

    3. Ooh, that sounds like a lot of fun! I'll have to follow along this year!


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