Hello Blogosphere!

Hello blogosphere! My name is Sam (short for Samantha or Samwise Gamgee, depending on who you ask. Either or neither may be my real-life name.) and I’m a Catholic homeschooled high school book dragon. I’ve followed the book blogging community for a long time (maybe two years?) anonymously and without commenting, which was killing me. I’m very excited, therefore, to announce my blog, Bookshire, wherein I’m hoping to publish weekly book reviews and depending on how it goes, perhaps talk about my writing projects, the Faith, and life. I’ll be trying out different formats for the reviews, so bear with me!
A little bit more about me:
·       I read generally 3-7 books per week (I’m a very fast reader).
·       I have a pair of fantastic parents (Aragorn and Arwen), and four fabulous siblings (Legolas, Eomer, Galadriel and Gandalf).
·       “Why ‘Bookshire”?” you may ask. Because when I was younger, when I was reading I literally would not hear anything in the outside world, including anyone talking to me. The house could have been on fire and I would have been trying to finish my chapter before doing anything. This led to Aragorn coining the phrase “She’s in Bookshire” for whenever I was reading a book and couldn’t hear him talking to me.
·       Our family has an urban farm with goats, ducks, chickens, bunnies and barn cats.
·       I’m taking dual-credit classes at a nearby community college, and loving it (most of the time)!
·       For a while when I was younger I struggled with making friends, but now I have a fabulous squad: Frodo, Merry, Pippin and Eowyn. Please do not try to infer anything about gender here, some of my siblings hated my initial gender-proper LOTR names for them, so they got all messed up. 😊 Also, we may or may not actually call each other this in real life.
·       As you may have guessed, I recently read Lord of the Rings and am now completely obsessed.
·       I’m INTJ on the Myers-Briggs scale. This does not affect my life in any meaningful way.
·       I’m also a Ravenclaw in a family of three Ravenclaws, two Gryffindors, a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin.
·       My favorite saints are St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Benedict, St. John Paul II, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Maria Goretti, and Mary, of course.
·       My favorite religious order is the Dominicans. Our parish is staffed with Dominican priests, and this leads to endless Dominican vs. Franciscan vs. Jesuit jokes.
I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you, and getting started with this new adventure!


  1. 3-7 books per week?! That's amazing!

    I'm also an INTJ!! It's not every day I find someone else with the same type.

    Also, dual-credit courses are THE BEST! Such a smart way to do college.

    Welcome to the blogosphere!

    1. Thank you so much for commenting! So nice to meet a fellow INTJ, too--I feel like we're kind of rare? Dual-credit courses are AMAZING, although it's been challenging doing them online this quarter. Thank you for your welcome! I'm excited to be here.

  2. Aaaahhh, yay, welcome to the blogosphere!! I love the origin story of your blog name, and the speed at which you read books is astounding. :D I can't wait to see what you do! <3 <3

    1. Thank you for your welcome! I'm really excited to be here!

  3. INTJ solidarity!
    Dual credit is amazing! (I'm actually graduating college a whole year early because of them, lol)

    Excited to see more in the future! Welcome (offically) to the blogosphere!

    1. Yay, another INTJ!
      I'm hoping that dual credit classes will allow me to do a double major in four years...we'll see what happens. But it's awesome that you're graduating a year early!
      Thank you so much! I'm excited to be here.

  4. I really need to take those personality tests or something....people seem to like them, lol

    Welcome to the blogsphere!!

    1. They can be interesting, but they're not essential. :)

      Thank you!

  5. Oh my goodness!!!! Welcome to the blogosphere, Samantha!! I can't wait to see what sorts of posts you come up with!! (and DUDE. I'm constantly looking for new reading recs, so this is gonna be fantabulous. XD) I absolutely ADORE the name you've chosen, as well!!! It's so bookish and cute!!! <333

    1. Thank you so, so much!!! I really hope you enjoy "hanging out" here! :)

      (And sorry it a couple of days to post your comment--still figuring out how Blogger works!)

  6. Welcome to the blogosphere! I love your title, "Bookshire" that is so cool... of course, I'm partial to anything that smacks of Lord of the Rings, so there's that, but I just love it!!! (I've apparently spent much time in bookshire myself and didn't realize it, but now I'm totally stealing this word for my house, my daughters often transport to bookshire and as we are currently reading The Hobbit/LOTR with them for the first time I know they will get a kick out of me calling it that).

    I found you via Kenzie's blog, hope you don't mind me popping in to say "Hi!" and "Welcome to blogging!" It's super fun, and I look forward to reading your reviews and posts!

    1. Thank you so much, Jenelle! I think it's a great name for a great place/activity. :) Feel free to steal it--I would love the term to spread, haha. How are your daughters enjoying The Hobbit/LOTR?

      I don't mind at all! In fact, your comments have made my morning, and I look forward to seeing you around!

    2. They loved The Hobbit, and they are enjoying Fellowship of the Ring. We're in the middle of a bunch of house projects right now so we aren't reading it very fast, and we've only just gotten to Strider.... EEEEEEEE! But they seem to be liking it. All my children's middle names are from Tolkien (I have an Arwen, Eowyn, Eomer, and Erebor) so they are super excited to learn about the characters they are named after. :)

    3. Oooh, Strider! He's my fave--I must admit, I have a bit of a book crush on him! XD
      It's so great that they're liking it! Reading aloud is such a fun way for kids to enjoy books like The Hobbit and LOTR.
      Oh. My. Goodness. Those are the best middle names ever! I've actually thought about middle-naming my potential future children with LOTR middle names, although I think my taste would run more to hobbit names...with maybe an Aragorn in there too! You made good choices--they're going to LOVE their characters!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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