Tag: Star Wars Would You Rather//Eomer Continues Blog Domination

Well, well, looks like Eomer is back for another post. Feel free to cheer. Okey Dokey, you can stop cheering now. Forrrr my second post, I will be filling out the one, the only, (Okay, not the only,) STAR WARS WOULD YOU RATHER TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG! (Which he stole from Cordy at Any Merry Little Thought. --Sam)

Hey, didn’t I say to cut out the cheering?

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1. Would you rather pilot the Millennium Falcon, or an X-Wing Fighter?

X-wing. The Millennium Falcon is awesome, but according to the fan base, (me), you need a copilot to effectively operate. The X-wing has more maneuverability, and is a one man ship.

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2. Would you rather face your worst fear in the Dagobah swamp or get stuck in a garbage compactor?

Trash compactor. 1,000%. See, my worst fear is a toss-up between evil clowns and moving dolls. I NEVER EVER EVER WANT TO SEE AN EVIL CLOWN-DOLL.

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3. Would you rather have R2-D2 as co-pilot or BB-8?

BB-8. He can shock people, and he is a “younger” droid with more flying experience. (That is a debated point, but I am adamant about the fact that BB-8 has flown more.)

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4. Would you rather have a lightsaber or a blaster?

Lightsaber. Number one, IT’S A LIGHTSABER! DUDE! Number two, all my star wars fan friends would SO freak.

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5. Would you rather be trained by Qui-Gon Jinn or Obi-Wan Kenobi?

Obi-Wan. Sorry Qui-Gon, but he survived WAY longer. Maybe it was the diet, maybe it was the Force, but I wouldn’t want to train under a guy who didn’t even survive two movies.

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6. Would you rather have to fight Palpatine/The Emperor or the inflamed Anakin on the volcano planet?

The Emperor. Fighting Anakin just makes me cringe. 

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7. Would you rather be part of the first attack on the Death Star or the Battle on Hoth?

Oh, Death Star, Duh. I get to be in a ship and attack other ships with LASERS! I can imagine nothing more beautiful.

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8. Would you rather drive during the speeder chase on Endor or the bounty hunter chase on Coruscant (in the Clone Wars)?

Hmm. I think Endor. The chase there is through a forest, and if you fall of your speeder, you only fall, like, 5 feet.

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9. Would you rather sit through a meeting of the Senate or watch a pod-race?

Pod Race. Obv. 

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10. Would you rather have to wear your hair like Padme or Leia?

Padme. If I do myself up like her, I look weird, but also like I’m making some statement. With Leia hair, I’d just look like an idiot.

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11. Would you rather fight Darth Maul or General Grievous?

Grievous. He can’t use the force. Also, Darth Maul is freaky.

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12. Would you rather be part of the first attack on the Death Star or the attack on the planet/space station...thing, from the New Force Awakens movie?

Starkiller Base. There are fewer guns, the weak spot is bigger, I would have a better ship, and also, people would already be blowing up the Starkiller from the inside.

Well, thanks all for joining in, if you like this post, hey, consider doing the tag yourself. For now, this is Eomer, signing off.

Which Star Wars ship would you most like to pilot? Would you rather fight a lightsaber battle or a blaster duel? Who's your favorite droid?


  1. Ooh, this is such a cool tag! So many great questions.
    X-Wings are really cool. Maybe that's what I'd choose, too, idk.
    CLOWNS ARE SO CREEPY. As are old dolls. Like, I don't have a problem with ones like Barbie or American Girl, but antique ones? They. Freak. Me. Out.
    LIGHTSABERS! So cool, and could you imagine having an epic lightsaber battle WITH BACKGROUND MUSIC?
    Watching a pod race (or even better, participating in one) sounds like fun, too. So many exciting things in the Star Wars world.
    Hmm, I'm not sure who my favorite droid is. Maybe R2-D2. I've always liked him.
    Cool post. You're doing great as this blog domination thing. You just might have to start your own someday.

    1. Thanks!
      I would also love to fly one of those weird b-wings...
      Barbie dolls are still creepy, but less creepy than old ones.
      *spends ten minutes trying to find the perfect background music for a lightsaber fight*
      If only we could jump into fictional worlds! So much cool stuff to do!
      R2-D2 is cool! I also like that black droid from Rogue One.
      Thanks! A Star Wars blog sounds like something I might want to do someday...

  2. *Does not stop cheering because I am a gremlin who delights in mischief*
    YES! State of the art fighters win ANY DAY. A barrel roll in one of those? *chef's kiss*

    1. That's okay, I'm always open for more cheering. XD
      I've always wanted to do a loop-de-loop in an x-wing. *double chef's kiss*

  3. I'm with you about evil clowns, just nope. Also Obi-Wan would definitely be better to be trained by.

    1. *shudder*
      Yeah, Obi-Wan is the best. :)

  4. Just the concept of evil clown dolls is terrifying.

    I'd look stupid with Leia's hair too XD Carrie Fisher looked great though

    1. I KNOW, RIGHT?

      Yeah, although I didn't think so as a younger kid, Carrie Fisher really can rock that look. At least one out of seven billion can do it. XD


  5. Staaaaaaaaar Waaaaaaaaars! All of your answers are quite excellent!

    1. Yaaaaaaasssss! Thank you! I thought so too. XD

  6. It's just so much like Eomer...
    Heh, lol, don't mind me, just browsing through your old posts
    catch ya next time!


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