Jem Jones Linkup: Quirk #7//In Which Blood Happens

Okay, this was ridiculously fun to write. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! If you'd like to join in with Jem's Quirks, the prompt for this one is HERE. :)
Also, two things: #1, this is one of the first times I've written from the POV of a male protagonist, so that was interesting. And #2, yes, this actually happened (well, the cut part. Not the male-is-the-one-who-gets-cut and he-is-grown-up-and-married parts). To me. (Eight stitches, guys. And I still have the scar.)

She turns around in the doorway and turns her face up for a kiss. I readily oblige.
"Have fun, my love," I tell her, as I pull away.
"Thanks, I will."
"And don't bring home too much junk, okay? I know how you and that sister of mine are about antique shops."
"Bring home junk? Me? Never."
I chuckle. "Okay. Well, see you this evening."
"Sounds good! I love you."
"Love you, too."
She turns and heads out the door. The house suddenly feels quieter, even though she's not very loud. Oh well, I'll be powering up the drill in not too long to work on the table she wants, so it won't be quiet for long. But first, dishes. My wife takes antiques very seriously, so seriously that she left the sink full of dirty plates on her way out to meet my sister for a day of antiquing. And, of course, the plates are, you guessed it, antique, and, from the way she talks about them, priceless. So I have to wash with care. I roll up my sleeves, squeeze some soap onto the sponge, and dive in.
I'm on the last dish, a new milk jug that I bought not too long ago, when it happens. The jug slips out of my hand, I try to catch it, there's a crack, and suddenly there's broken glass in the sink and a very strange feeling in my right hand. 
My first thought is, my wife will be thrilled that I broke this. My second is, why does my hand hurt so much?
I look down cautiously, almost afraid. Blood oozes from a two-inch gash just below the bottom of my thumb. Dang. That looks deep. 
I grab a wad of paper towels and apply pressure, wincing all the while. After five minutes of pressure the paper towels are saturating with blood, and the bleeding has slowed down slightly. I carefully pull the towels back and look at the cut again. Yep. Gonna need stitches. I'd better call my lovely wife, because there's no way I'm going to be able to work on the table, given that I'm going to be heading to the hospital.
I pick up the phone. We still have one that's attached to the wall with a cord, because, as I've observed, my wife is obsessed with the antique and the vintage. At least she consented to get a smart phone, even though she protested on "aesthetic grounds", whatever that means. I feel safer, knowing she can reach me whenever, and vice versa.
I puzzle for a moment over how to dial without getting blood all over everything, not least the floor, and compromise by holding the phone between the side of my head and my shoulder while I dial with my good hand. The phone rings.
"Hello?" she picks up.
"Hey, it's me."
"Oh, hey my love. What's going on?"
"I, um, cut my hand a little. So I'm not going to be able to work on the table today, the cut's in a bit of an inconvenient place" --technically true-- "and we're out of bandages" --this is also true-- "so I'm just going to go et it fixed up" --also true. "You need anything, call me cell, okay?"
"Okay. You going to be all right?"
I glance at the deep, gash in my right hand, which is still oozing blood, despite the pressure I had been applying. "Um, yes. It's bleeding a bit, but I'll be fine."
"Well, don't bleed on my floor, okay?"
"You think I forgot how much it cost to refinish it last year? I'll not bleed on it for a million dollars. Almost literally."
She laughs. "Okay. See you later, my love."
"See you, love."
I hang up. Now I just have to figure out how to drive with a giant gash in my hand...

Have you ever needed stitches? Have you ever minimized an injury when you're talking to someone? Do you "do" antiques?


  1. Oh my gosh the poor MAN. (Something similar happened to my dad once. I don't remember it cuz it was so long ago. But I'm preeetty sure he drove himself to the hospital...) And poor YOU. (I've never had stitches. Yet. Knock on wood.)

    The wife is, like, my favorite character. X) "Aesthetic grounds."

    1. I cannot imagine having to drive myself to the hospital under those conditions! I mean, I guess I could make it work...but I don't think my parents would be happy about what I did to the upholstery. (I honestly look back on the whole episode kind of fondly? There were some fun things that came out of it. And call me what you will, but the scar is kind of cool. XD But I would recommend avoiding stitches if you possibly can.)

      I KNOW, I love her! She somehow sprang fully-formed from my subconscious, and I am a fan of that. X)

  2. Usually when I'm reading things based off of prompts it's very easy to see how the snippet worked around to fit all requirements, but this was seamless! I finished reading it then looked back at the prompt and saw the dishes and phone. It was so naturally there!

    Yikes, blood. I have a nasty reputation with stitches as I've had to get them in both my forehead and chin. I could go into details, but suffice to say that I ran into a lot of things when I was younger. I'm my household's dishwasher so now I'm concerned...sorry that this happened to you!

    1. Aww, thank you! I'm so glad I managed to make it so seamless, especially since I wasn't especially trying...XD

      Yeahhhh. Oof, forehead and chin sounds awful! Thankfully, I've never had to have stitches anywhere even close to my face, and I'd like to keep it that way. Well, the thing was, I tried to catch a falling jug that I knew was going to break, so as long as you're not *dumb* about dishwashing like I was, you should probably be fine. XD

  3. Ooh, this is great. I love your writing.
    Aw, that poor man! Hopefully things work out for him and his wife.
    I've never had stitches, but I've had two injuries that probably should have gotten stitches, but I didn't realize how serious they were, so now I have two scars (one on my forehead, one on my left elbow).

    1. Thank you so much!
      In my mind, they do. But she's mad at him for not telling her how seriously he injured himself. :)
      Ooh, that's rough. But I mean, scars are kinda cool, in my opinion at least!

  4. Sounds like my mom, just don't get any blood on the floor. XD
    Love this!

    1. What is it with moms and not wanting to clean blood off the floor? XD
      Thank you!

  5. I laughed when he was like 'I sort of cut myself, it's no big deal' but in reality he needs full on stiches and he's trying not to bleed over the floor. I've sort of done something similar in the past.

    1. I totally do that, too! It drives my family crazy, but minimizing the injury is better than having them freaking out...XD

  6. Oh my gosh, this couple is so cute! Ok, but the mental image of him staring down at this bleeding gash in his hand and saying, "I, um, cut my hand a little" XD And just how practical he is about the whole thing, like, "Hmm, how should I dial without getting blood on everything?"
    Eeeeek, I don't do well with injuries in real life...but I guess if you get a cool scar and a great piece of flashfiction out of it, it helps?

    1. Thank you! (I totally think so, too. I nearly squealed when they popped into my head). I knoooow, and it's even funnier because...I have done that exact thing on more than one occasion. XD
      I mean, yeah? I wouldn't have chosen to waste an afternoon at the emergency room getting stitches, but it's a good story, and the ability to put it into flash fiction definitely makes up for a lot! :)

  7. I love how he's so calm and downplaying it (even though he probably shouldn't be??) because he doesn't want to freak out his wife. This couple is adorable and I love them. <3 (And also! There was no angst! and while I do also like angst, this was so puuuure I love it.) Thank you for writing, Samantha!!

    1. I knoooooowww I even wrote them and I totally just want to fangirl over how cute it is that he doesn't want to freak her out and ruin her day of shopping, and, and, and. <3 (I didn't...notice that at all while I was writing it? But you're so right, compared to the amount of angst in everyone else's stories, mine has absolutely none. XD) You're welcome! Thanks for the prompt! :)

  8. This was great, Samantha! I love the part "Well, don't bleed on my floor". XD The things people worry about when they're injured... I've never had an accident quite like that, but I did have a running injury that required surgery back in August, so I have had stitches. Also, antiques are the best! I like how you incorporated them into this story. :)

    1. Thank you! I know, right? When I got my cut that inspired this story, my first worry was that I would have to interrupt Mom's meeting to get her to take me to the hospital. XD
      Oof, that stinks!
      The funny thing is, I really like the way antiques look, but I don't know that I've ever been antiquing or bought an antique, or even gone to an antique shop!

  9. They are so cute oh my gosh. Both of them as individuals ("aesthetic grounds," minimizing his injury and "Now I just have to figure out how to drive with a giant gash in my hand...") and together too. Reading this is like...a small dose of pure happiness. And I love it. <3

    1. I know, I kind of want to fangirl over them, even though...I wrote them. XD I'm so glad it was a dose of happiness to read, because it definitely was one to write. :)


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