The 30 Song Tag

So in *checks calendar* November, Skye tagged me for this music tag! Thanks so much, Skye! (*whispers* And I'm sorry I'm so behind!) I don't really talk music on the blog very much, so I hope y'all enjoy reading this absolute monster of a post, and hearing about some of my musical tastes! 

1. Your Favorite Song?
I believe I've mentioned before how much I hate this question? Can we have that revolution now? *starts to sing "Do You Hear The People Sing"*

2. Your Least-Favorite Song?
Honestly, why on earth would I have a least favorite song? Do you people make a habit of listening to music you expect to hate? *is confused* 

3. A Song That Makes You Happy? 
How am I supposed to pick just one? 
"Through Heaven's Eyes" from Prince of Egypt, though, is one I've been thinking about a lot lately, and that one makes me happy for sure. 

4. A Song That Makes You Sad? 
I don't know if this song makes me feel sad as much as bittersweet, but "When I Grow Up", from Matilda. Because I feel like I'm stuck between the idealism of this song and knowing that it can't be...
(I love the song, though. Like, a lot.)
(I've put my favorite version below. :))

5. A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty?
Like, a guilty pleasure? Umm...I mean, "All I Want For Christmas Is You", by Mariah Carey *hides*. I don't really like the words that much, or the singing style, but I do have good associations with it from singing it in choir, because man is that song fun to sing as a choir. So I don't really like the song, I just like singing it with choir. But I do feel a little guilty for having fun with it. So, yeah. 
(The original video is...not something I'm going to put on my blog, I think, so here, have a sign language version!)

6. A Song That You Often Get Stuck in Your Head? 
I can and do get literally everything stuck in my head. But recently, I've been listening to a lot of Andrew Peterson, and so I've had various of his songs stuck in my head for several days at this point, but of the three or four that I've had stuck in my head regularly, I especially love "God of My Fathers". :)

7. A Song That Reminds You of Someone?
"Oh God Beyond All Praising" reminds me of my Dad, Frodo, and Fr. JJ, because it's all of their favorite hymns. (And mine, too!)

8. A Song That Reminds You of Someplace? 
"Misbehavin'" by Pentatonix reminds me of a lot of vacations, because that's when we usually listen to the album it's from (which is just called Pentatonix), but it specifically reminds me of our trip to Houston. 

9. A Song That Reminds You of a Certain Event? 
"Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming" and "La Vie en Rose" will always remind me of Frodo's wedding. :) ("Lo, How" was the song for when they took flowers to Our Lady, and then "La Vie" was their first dance.)

10. A Song You Know All the Words to? 
Literally everything from Hamilton except "Say No to This", because #reasons. Also, "Requiem" from Dear Evan Hansen. <3
(This version is not the one on the album, but I love it anyway!)

11. A Song You Could Dance to? 
"Starships" as covered by Pentatonix. And just ask my family--I do dance to this one, every time it comes on. 
(I could not make the ridiculous blogger YouTube importer give me the good video, so here's the audio.)

12. A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep? 
Well, my sisters and I always listen to Northwest Girlchoir's album Brave at bedtime, so many of those songs make me fall asleep...including "In Time of Silver Rain", and "Adiemus". 

13. A Song From Your Favorite Band? 
Um, do I have a favorite band? Well, I mean, it might be The Piano Guys. And one of their songs that I really like is "Someone You Loved". (And the LOTR medley, too! But the video for "Someone You Loved" is cooler.)

14. A Song From A Band You Hate? 
I don't really hate any bands, per se. But I don't prefer the Praise and Worship genre in general (Audrey Assad is an exception, although a case could be made that's she's not really P&W), but a song that I do like from that genre is "Lord I Lift Your Name On High", which I probably only like because we used to listen to it when we made cinnamon rolls when I was little. XD

15. A Song Nobody Would Expect You to Love? 
Um, well, given my dislike of P&W, my passionate love for almost anything by Audrey Assad is probably surprising (at least to my family). One of my favorites by her is "Known", from the album The House You're Building. (But honestly, I love everything on that album). 

16. A Song That Describes You? 
I believe I talked about it in THIS post...but given that I'm listening to "Speechless" from Aladdin, and I really identify with that one...I'll say that one.
(I still like the original best, but this cover is outstanding.)

17. An Underrated Song More People Should Love?, I know! "Evermore", from Beauty and the Beast. :) For some reason, I love that one, and I don't think people talk about it enough.

18. A Song That You Hear Often on the Radio?
At least during December, "Mary, Did You Know?" by Pentatonix. Even if some of the lyrics are doctrinally questionable, I really like the song as a whole, and I love this particular cover. 

19. A Song You Wish You Heard on the Radio?
Literally anything from Straight No Chaser, but specifically "Some Nights/We Are Young" or "Billie Jean/Poison". 

20. A Song You Listen to When You're Happy?
There are so many! So, so many! Aaaah how am I supposed to pick just one? Okay, what about "Try Everything" from Zootopia. :)

21. A Song You Listen to When You're Sad?
When I'm sad, if I listen to music at all, I tend to listen to things that make me more we'll say "Tightrope" from The Greatest Showman. Oh, and also "The Next Right Thing" from Frozen 2

22. A Song You Listen To When You're Angry? 
When I'm angry, I don't want to listen to angry songs, because I don't particularly like staying I'd rather listen to something with a high energy level that's not one of my favorites, "Pompeii", as covered by The Yale Spizzwinks(?) (yes, that is literally their name. XD) in their album Brothership
(The video is not the same soloist, but it is the same arrangement, so...we'll go with that.)

23. A Song You Want to Play at Your Wedding?
Assuming I ever get married (which is assuming quite a lot)...
"Ave Verum Corpus" by Mozart, during Communion. My parents had this at their wedding, and Frodo had it at her wedding, as well. 
Also, "O God Beyond All Praising", by Holst and Perry, which is probably my favorite hymn of all time. 

24. A Song You Want to Play at Your Funeral?
Assuming I ever die...(jk, jk, jk!)
Ummm...maybe "Let All Mortal Flesh"? It seems like an excellent memento mori song for those left behind that at the same time would be comforting? Idk, I could be off-base with that. (Oooh! Also this one really cool "Lux Aeterna" that my sister sang in choir one time and I have literally never been able to find again. Good luck with that when I die, guys.)

25. A Song That Makes You Laugh?
"The 12 Days of Christmas" by Straight No Chaser. I won't ruin it for you--go listen to it! It's hilarious, and we look forward to this one in their concert every year. :)

26. A Song That You Can Play? 
"It's Quiet Uptown" from Hamilton! I love playing that one, especially since I've known it for so long that I can actually sing it and play it at the same time...
(This video is a bit strange. I'm sorry. It was the best one I could find through the very strange YouTube uploader on Blogger. XD)

27. A Song You Wish You Could Play? 
"Requiem" from Dear Evan Hansen (again!). The accompaniment in the book of DEH songs we have is really complicated, and I've not taken the time to get good at at yet...
(And no, I'm not going to embed the video again. What are we, savages?)

28. A Song From Your Childhood? 
"The Fox Went Out"! It's a folk song about a fox who is stealing fowl from a village, and it was passed down to my family by my grandmother. There are many versions, and in fact I sang a different version in choir, but our favorite version has the fox getting away to his little ones "eight, nine, ten". :) Legolas, Eomer and I made our dad sing it once for each of us every night at bedtime for MONTHS one year. I'm not sure he's totally recovered.
I've never found a recording of the exact version that we sing (I suspect our family tree has changed it a little in passing it down. XD) but the one I've put below is pretty close. (And there's illustrations by Peter Spier, whose work we love, in the video!)

29. Your Favorite Duet? 
Probably "Only Us" from Dear Evan Hansen. There are a lot of duets that I like, but that's a recent one that's one of my faves. 

30. Your Favorite Song at this Time Last Year?
You expect me to remember that?! Whaaaaaaat. Is. This. Actually, now that I think about it, it was probably "A Different Person" from Howl's Moving Castle the musical, which a theatre near (ish) to us performed in the winter of 2019 (as well as at this point, I've seen it three times.) The YouTube version I've put below has the composer on guitar, and his sister singing. (For the record--I still love this song, even if it was my favorite around this time last year. :))

This tag didn't exactly come with rules on tagging/linking back/anything at all, but I think I'll tag a couple of people!

I Tag:
Miss K
Megan Chappie

Sarah Seele (I know you JUST did the last tag I gave you, but I want to hear about your musical taste!)

Do you have a favorite song? Do you like praise & worship? What about a capella music? 


  1. "Say No to This" is a good one to have #reasons for not listening to. Heh. (Hamilton you IDIOT.)

    There's so much music I'm not familiar with on here! I'll have to check some of it out. Thanks for the tag!

    1. Yeah, I think I've only listened to it once, and that was while we were watching it on Disney+. (I mean COME ON DUDE. QUIT IT.)

      You'll have to let me know what you think of anything you end up checking out! You're welcome! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your taste in music! :)

  2. It's such a long tag. Thanks for doing it!
    Loved your answers! Requiem is so good, I wish I knew how to play it.
    That Pentatonix cover of Starships is awesome, so hard not to dance to that song.

    1. It is, a bit. :) You're welcome! Thanks again for tagging me!
      I know, it's amazing, but the accompaniment is really challenging!
      The amount of beat! And pep! It's almost impossible not to dance!

  3. "Assuming I ever die." XD. I love that. This is such a fun (and long) tag to do.
    STRAIGHT NO CHASER, YES! I love their songs.
    I also love those Hamilton and Dear Evan Hansen songs. You have great taste, friend.

    1. XD XD XD. It really is!
      They're so good! Aww, thank you!

  4. I loved reading this!!! A lot of my favourite songs were on this list too and I'm planning on watching Prince of Egypt😊😊😊 In case you're wondering who I am, I'm Jan from the Doodlecrafter🙋 My blogger blog is inactive though. Your blog is so awesome and I love reading through your reviews!!

    1. Thank you! Oh, that's cool! I hope you love Prince of Egypt--it's such a good one! Good to see you over here, Jan! And thank you again--so kind of you to say!

  5. Fun answers!

    My husband's older brother and his wife walked down the aisle to "O God Beyond All Praising" sung by the concert choir at the college we all attended. It was amazing. Definitely have that at your wedding.

    1. Thank you!

      Oh, that's lovely! My friend Frodo and her husband walked down the aisle to that as well, and it nearly made me cry! Definitely will be having that at my wedding, if I get married.

  6. Thanks for the tag, Samantha! This will be my first ever tag, we'll see how it goes. The Piano Guys is a great band, also one of my favorites. Besides the Greatest Showman song, most of these I've never listened too. My all time favorite genre is classical music though, so maybe that explains everything. :) After school lightens up (seven more weeks to go), I'll start working on this tag. (That's also why I've been away from blogging the last couple months).

    1. You're very welcome! I'm looking forward to seeing your answers! I know, The Piano Guys are so good! I love how they mix up pop songs, while still making everything sound cool and classical-esque. Classical music is an excellent favorite genre! I really like classical music as well, but for some reason, I didn't seem to think of any while working on this post...
      I hope your remaining weeks of school go well! (And I totally understand having to back away from things because of school, etc.!)

  7. Prince of Egpyt? Dear Evan Hansen? Girl me too!

  8. This was fun! I had no idea they made a Howl's Moving Castle musical so that was interesting to find out.

    1. I'm glad! Yes, it's a very tiny musical that only plays over here in the PNW, but maybe someday it'll become a bigger thing!


    "Through Heaven's Eyes" is kind of awesome (why have I never heard of Prince of Egypt before...?), and "God of My Fathers," whoa. I feel like every time I discover a new Andrew Peterson song it becomes a new favorite song, and this is no exception. IT'S AMAZING. I don't want to stop listening to it.

    Ugh, "Speechless" is so good. I don't even like that kind of music. But. The WORDS. And the EMOTIONS.

    And "Mary Did You Know"!!!! AAhhhh that cover is beautiful. I think that was what inspired my sisters and my mom and I to come up with our own a cappella version?? We sing it a lot around Christmas too. (Although we definitely sound a bit different than Pentatonix. For one thing, we're all girls, and sopranos no less. For another, none of us really beat-box. xD)

    :O <3 <3......That's settled. Ave Verum Corpus is playing at my [hypothetical, and highly unlikely] wedding as well.

    I always think of "Let All Mortal Flesh" as a Christmas song and it sounds weird to have it at a funeral, but at the same time I can see what you mean? We sang "O Perfect Love" at my grandpa's funeral, which is, like, more of a wedding song maybe? But it worked really well and the words were just...I don't know, it just worked and was kind of beautiful. So I am all for putting songs into new contexts and I think, after lengthy consideration, I approve of "Let All Mortal Flesh" making an appearance at your funeral. xD

    Ok, I don't know the context for "It's Quiet Uptown" but I'M SAD NOW. Also you just...made me listen to Hamilton, which I swore I would never do. *glares* (I mean...besides "You'll Be Back." I listen to that. A lot. XD)

    "The Fox Went Out"!!!! I discovered that through Peter Hollens (have you heard his version?), and oh my goodness I LOVE IT. It's so fun and jaunty and terrible (poor birds!) and folksy. I am just...a fan. (And that art is awesome.)

    Ok, so I had this post saved for a long time, waiting till I could sit down and listen to all the songs (since I wasn't familiar with most of them), and thus this comment is rather long and rambly and Very Late. But I sha'n't apologize, lest I face your wrath. :P It was a really fun thing to sit down and do! And thanks for tagging me; I love music and I am REALLY looking forward to filling this one out!


      It is! Prince of Egypt is one of my favorite animated movies--it's from Dreamworks' excellent period--and you definitely need to watch it!
      I knooooow Andrew Peterson is just amazing. I keep discovering new amazing songs from him, and I can't keep up!

      They did excellent work on that song! It might be my favorite Disney song ever??

      Oh, that's so cool! I would love to hear your version at some point. :) (Even if none of you beatbox. In fact, perhaps especially if none of you beatbox.)

      *happy shimmy* I'm so glad you loved it! (And also, I am indulging myself in a chuckle, mostly at my own expense, because that song is often though of as a Eucharistic hymn, even though there's nothing about the Eucharist in it technically, so I was inordinately pleased that you enjoyed it. That was kind of inarticulate. I hope you understand.)

      Oh that's funny, because we often hear it during fact, that sometimes causes problems because the choir has to be very careful to skip the verse with "alleluia" in it (we don't use it in the liturgy during Lent). I'm very glad you approve. XD

      Hey, I gave you emotions AND made you listen to Hamilton? WIN!

      Ooh, I haven't heard Peter Hollens's version! But now I want to, because I like a lot of his other stuff. The folksy feeling is my favorite!

      Wow, I admire your dedication! (I don't always listen to all the music in music posts? Which is probably a character defect. XD) I'm so glad you enjoyed, and when you do the tag, I will definitely listen to all the music. :)


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