Epic Blog Party Tag

(Quick reminder: you have until Sunday to recommend me a book, and until Monday to ask me questions for my blogoversary!)

Heidi at Along the Brandywine is hosting an Epic Blog Party! And as you might be able to guess, just say the word "epic", and I am SO in. I was thinking about doing a more involved post, but since my life is insane and all my creative energy is currently going into my ten-page paper, (and also I have no ideas XD) I'm just doing the super fun and also very hard tag. :) Enjoy!

1) …fight a dragon or a giant?
I'm going to be honest, both of those sound awful. But since I think a giant would require more brute strength, where the dragon would require cunning and aim, which are more my department, I think I'll go with the dragon.

Or okay, maybe not. XD

2) …time travel back to ancient Egypt or go to Mars?
Not even a hard one! Ever since I was a small child, I've been fascinated with ancient Egypt (as, I think, many small children are) and I would love a chance to go back to that time and explore! Plus, do you know how long it takes to get to Mars? And how boring it is up there?

(Image credit to owner)

3) …explore a deep dark cave or a long lost, underwater city?
Y'see, I really don't like either of these options. I'm both kinda claustrophobic, AND have a fear of drowning. So...yeah. XD But I think, of the two, I'd rather do the deep dark cave, since at least it's (in theory) above the water. So yeah. But...*shudders*

(Image credit to owner)

4) …be a court jester or lead a wagon train?
I hate making myself ridiculous, and love bossing people around, so...wagon train. XD

5) …eat a meal with hobbits or Master Tumnus?

Animated GIF

Okay, it's going to have to be the hobbits. Love ya, Mr. Tumnus (look, I even named a goat after you) but if it's going to be a choice between you and hobbits, with their panoply of meals, their foods-that-are-all-my-favorite, and their hobbity ways...I'm going to choose the hobbits. But maybe I can catch up with you later?

6) …walk through an enchanted mirror or jump into a pool leading into another world?
Look, both of these sound like horrifically bad ideas. 
And I'd rather not, thanks.
If I was being held at gunpoint, with a mirror on one side, and a pool on the other, I'd choose the pool, and just not ring any bells when I got there.
Cuz what I don't want is this:

7) …live in a castle or a house in the treetops?
I was going to go straight for the house in the treetops, because do you know how much work a castle is to clean? And how drafty it is in the winter?
But then I remembered the secret passages that a castle might potentially have...and how much fun I'd have running around it.
Which then was outweighed by the ridiculously awesome swings a treetop house might have...
So I think I'm going treetop house.

(Image credit to owner, and DOESN'T THIS LOOK AWESOME?!)

8) …go over a waterfall in a barrel or climb Mt. Everest?

Climb Mt. Everest. That one seems like it would be least likely to lead to my death. But not by much.

9) …ride a buffalo or be a cannoneer in a sea battle? 
See, as I mentioned before, I have a fear of drowning. So while I normally would be ok with being on a ship, I would HATE being in a sea battle with fiery passion.
While on the other hand, buffalo are used in many parts of the world for transportation. 

So I'll go for the buffalo. 
(Oh wait, you say that Heidi meant a bison? Like, the American, multi-ton, terrifying ruminant creatures? Too bad. Should have worded it better. XD)

10) Bonus question: you’re caught by the Bad Guys and tied up to a chair when a fire erupts at your feet (long story ;)). Do you break the ropes and tumble out the window, yell for help, or hop your chair across the room to take refuge in the cold fireplace/chimney corner?
I think my knee-jerk reaction (literally) would be to break the ropes if I possibly could, and if not, hop the chair across the room. Although if breaking the ropes meant I had to fall out the window...I'd just hop the chair across the room. (I'm curious where Heidi got this scenario--it sounds uncannily like a situation Natasha Romanoff would find herself in.)

Kinda like this, but also with fire?

Have you ever ridden a water buffalo? Would you like a house in the treetops? What's the most epic thing you've ever done?


  1. Everybody's got a water buffalo, everybody's got a water buffalo, where they got one I don't knooooooow--!

    This is a fun tag. I would very much like a house in the treetops. And I'd go with the pool over the mirror any day.

    1. You can't say everyone's got a water buffalo when everyone does not have a water buffalo!

      XD XD

      It is a fun tag! Magic mirrors just have something...sinister about them, that I dislike.

  2. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T WANT TO RIDE AN AMERICAN BISON. That would be awesome. Have you seen the babies??? They are huge and terrifying and ADORABLE.

    I feel like going in a barrel over a waterfall would be so anticlimactic, like, you're stuck in a barrel the whole time. At least you can ENJOY the Mt. Everest hike (I think climbing Mt. Everest would be so awesome. Or just hiking in the Himalayas in general. I blame Kim. It made me desperately want to visit mountains I used to not care about at all. XD)

    And yup, definitely the pool! So much more aesthetic. Plus, you MIGHT get to Charn, but you also might get to Narnia! Which would be so very worth it.

    1. LOOK, I WOULD PREFER TO LIVE. I just...have a feeling that death would be involved. Do you know how BIG they are? (The babies are indeed adorable. I would like to own one if it would stay that size and color forever.)

      I know, right? No scenery! (Climbing Mt. Everest would be AMAZING. Or the Himalayas, indeed. I am fortunate enough to live in a place where there are many mountains, and while I've never summited one, I hike around them on a regular basis, and like it very much.)

      Indeed! True facts, there's maybe a 50/50 chance you'll get somewhere wonderful!

  3. I love how different our answers are because you gave me some things to think about! That tree house is stunning. Can I have it now? XD Ah, Nat would totally find herself in that situation. ;)

    1. I know, we basically have the complete opposite answers to most of these! XD XD
      I know, that's my question! I want it, too!
      She absolutely would. :)

  4. "just not ring any bells when I got there" I laughed so much at that sentence!!

    And congrats on your upcoming blogoversary! (or is it blogiversary? I always get confused...) I'll only ask one question because there's already a lot on the post before. Wait, make that two.

    1. If you were a musical period, what would you be? (i. e. Baroque, Classical, Romantic, etc.)
    2. If you were the book’s antagonist, which type would you be?
    a)the evil villain
    b)the insane villain
    c)the envious villain
    d)the ethical villain

    And cheers to all magical pools!

    1. I'm very glad. :) *sweeps an exaggerated bow*

      Thank you! I think different people spell it differently....

      And thank you for the questions!

  5. Loved this! I think I might steal this if that's okay.
    I love how everyone seems to have gone through the same 'obsessed with ancient Egypt phase'

    1. Totally! Just link back to the originator of the blog party. :)
      I know, it seems like something everyone is obsessed with as a child!

  6. I would take the Dragon too, and Ancient Egypt.
    Great answers!

    1. Cool! I'm glad I'm not totally off-base about fighting a dragon...
      Thank you!


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