Everything I Needed To Know About Life, I Learned From Natasha Romanoff

*appears in a puff of decidedly chocolate and raspberry-scented smoke* I decided that I would come back for one Black Widow related post during my hiatus! And here it is.

So, I was over the moon excited for Black Widow. Because, Nat! And then I wasn't going to watch Black Widow, because I was SO WORRIED they were going to ruin it.

And then on Friday night, when it released, Legolas wouldn't stop bugging me by addressing me as "Natasha, my sister" in a flawless Russian accent, and I caved and watched it.

Spoiler alert: it was amazing. I have no regrets.

Spoiler alert #2: I am not reviewing it today, because that would take a lot of words and brain power that is currently dedicated to figuring out why the heck my story is demanding a dog when I didn't want to put a dog in and it's making everything weird and I feel like it doesn't fit. (If you have an answer to this, I'd love to hear it.)

However, I did want to do something to commemorate the occasion, because Natasha Romanoff is one of my big role models (believe it or not) and she finally has her own movie, and an awesome one at that! So, I decided to share with you a (honestly, very personal) list that I started in my bullet journal in June (and am still adding to) of the things that I have learned and am learning from Nat, from the serious to the literal movie quotes. As I said, I'm still adding to the list, but this is how it stands at the moment. 

(PS: there are no spoilers for BW. There may be infinitesimal spoilers for the other Marvel movies, but I've edited the one item that had the biggest spoiler so that there is, in fact, no spoiler there, so even if you haven't watched all the Marvel movies, you should be good.)

(PS #2: I'm really sorry, but I was much too tired for gifs for every item on the list. So, this post is quite a bit less visually interesting than I'd like, but hey, I'm still officially on hiatus, so I don't have to care. XD)

Right, let's get to it!

1. Every woman's heart desires motherhood. But it doesn't have to be fulfilled with physical motherhood.

2. If someone is going to be captured, injured, or damaged in any way, make sure it's you.

3. A hug solves a multitude of problems.

4. Family--biological or otherwise--is the most important.

5. If your friend defects to the dark side, the easiest way to fix that is to interrupt him after he kills someone. And/or knock him on the head real hard.

6. Never lose hope.

7. Self-sacrifice is the highest form of love.

8. Speaking Latin is both useful and impressive.

9. Accepting help--especially allowing yourself to be carried out of a burning building when you're injured--is not weakness.

10. You can be just as awesome in a dress as in pants, and vice versa.

11. There is no reason why a perilous mission should preclude a good hairstyle.

12. Femininity in no way interferes with being a good superhero.

13. No one has ever gone beyond forgiveness.

14. Faking tears is a good way to fool villains.

15. Grief is not weakness. It's strength.

16. Multitasking is great. Until it's not.

17. Trust is one of the most dangerous and beautiful gifts you can give.

18. Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.

19. You can--and should--be friends with someone even if you disagree. 

20. You do not need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy and fulfilled.

21. Backing up the hard drive is a good thing to do from time to time.

Who's a fictional character you really look up to? What are some of the best lessons you've learned from them? Which of these was your favorite? Did you catch all my references? ;)

*disappears in another puff of smoke*


  1. Dude I LOVE this. Everything about it. There's just so much to love about Natasha, and I've finally started to understand why I love her so much. She felt like a throwaway member of the team to me for a while, but now I just...I GET her, and Scarlett portrays her so well. I love this list!

    1. Thank you so much! That means a lot! There really is so much to love about her, and it's taken me a long time to articulate it, so I'm inordinately pleased with this list. :) I also feel like I GET her--there's a lot of me in her, but a lot that I still want to live up to.

  2. It's cool that Natasha is so important to you! She's definitely one of my favourite Marvel characters.
    My personal idea of motherhood is having a cat. Someone else can have the kids if they want.
    Love some of you other points XD
    Glad you had a good time by the sounds of it!
    I started thinking about characters I look up to and I've suddenly forgotten every character ever invented so thanks for that ;)

    1. She's so awesome!
      XD Haha, well, if that's your plan...
      Thank you! Yes, I have a great time.
      You're very welcome. XD Same thing happens to me, every time.

  3. Agh this is so cool. (Also, I'm so glad you enjoyed Black Widow! I saw it yesterday with a friend and a few siblings, and liked it, but am still sorting out my thoughts.)

    "Speaking Latin is both useful and impressive." YES. Love that one, and am so glad Nat's a Latin nerd. ("Who speaks Latin?" "Nobody. You can read Latin, you can write Latin, you don't speak Latin." I had that written on the inside of my Latin notebook one semester. XD)

    "There is no reason why a serious mission should preclude a good hairstyle." That, I think, may be my favorite. Although it definitely can't beat the one about every woman's heart desiring motherhood from an objective standpoint. Actually--a LOT of these are very philosophically/theologically profound from an objective standpoint.

    This. Is why Marvel's so amazing.

    1. Aww, thanks! (I'm very glad I enjoyed it too, haha. And I'm glad you liked it! I still definitely have some thoughts to sort out, too, but overall, I'm just SO relieved it was as good as it was.)

      I know, me too! It really puts her on another level. XD (That. Quote. Is. The. Best. And I love that you had it in your notebook!)

      That was one of my favorites, too! (I was thinking of that hairdo from Endgame, the one where the braid crown on her head incorporates some of the leftover white from the hair dye, and GAH I love that hairdo. That was probably way too much detail. XD)
      Were you expecting anything less than philosophical/theological profundity from me? (Actually--don't answer that. XD)

      I know. It is. I love Marvel's philosophically profound brand of awesome SO MUCH.

  4. Your story wants a dog because dogs are the best animals in the universe. Besides lions, but I have a feeling that would be very much off... ;)

    SAM. This is a beautiful list and I actually got teary reading it because Nat is just. the. best. She was always in my top Marvel characters, but reading your posts all these months made me appreciate her a hundred times more. <3

    6, 7, & 13 are everything to me! <3

    Just reading through these reminds me of how incredible she is. Like 14? That is one of my favorite scenes because she TRICKED THE TRICKSTER!

    Here I was about to cry and 18 made me cackle. XD

    A perfect blog post, Sam!!

    1. I will have to respectfully disagree--goats are the best animals in the universe, 100%. But for some reason, my story hasn't demanded a goat yet...

      Thank you! I'm...impressed and surprised that I managed to make you tear up! (*evil laughter*)
      She's just so amazing!

      Those are some of my favorites, too. <3

      I KNOW 14 was AMAZING!

      Haha, that was the goal. XD I was so happy when I realized that I could include that...

      High praise! Thank you!

  5. Nat is my favorite too! (Also, in the words of Drax, "Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it."

    "Backing up the hard drive" LOL

    And YAS. The scene in the Avengers where she tricks him. (I mean, ALSO the scene at the beginning when she tricks the other people? My absolute FAVORITE scene with her.)

    1. Twins! (Oh man I LOVE that quote. XD)

      Lol, it's good advice!

      Ahhhhh SO GOOD! So much trickery!

  6. I haven't gotten to see it yet, but my sister did and she says I'll like it. I'm so excited.
    She's one of my favorite characters.

    1. I hope you enjoy/enjoyed it! She's just such an amazing and engaging character!

  7. The fact that you have this list is just, awesome. Very awesome. And (not that the others aren't, but) #17 is SO TRUE.

    1. I mean, I thought so too. XD XD (So humble, I know.) #17 is one of the ones that I am 100% still working on learning! (This is why I have a list, you see.)

  8. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate and love this List, Sam!! <3

    You just made me want to watch Black Widow (and I hadn't really wanted to that much before... due to all the disappointments surrounding Captain Marvel/ultra-post-modern-feminist-messaging).

    I've always really liked Natasha in the movies, but (probably like you and every other viewer) she didn't get a whole lot of substantial screen time :) So happy to have been able to find your blog and read this and now I'm totally going to find the DVD release in my library comin' up!

    (Also - I can't seem to be able to pick a favorite message from your list here xD... but No. 1 is The Boss. And "20. You do not need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy and fulfilled."... just. Thank you... (although don't get me wrong, I do love rom. relationships portrayed well and proper ;) *bows*)

    1. Oh, thank you! It means a lot to me, so I'm glad you love it, too. <3

      Well, my work here is done. (Although, how did I make you want to watch Black Widow? Just curious...because I didn't talk about it that much at all. XD)

      Yes! I really loved her in the movies, and even though she didn't have much screen time, I was impressed by the number of things I was able to find for this list, just for the pre-Endgame Marvel movies. (All the things on the list are from pre-Endgame. :) Although since publishing this post, I've added one thing to the list from BW that wasn't there before.)

      (No. 1 is definitely The Boss...but all the other ones are great, too! No. 20 is definitely near and dear to my heart. (I also love rom. relationships well-portrayed, but I get tired of people trying to push evvvveryone into them.))

    2. Ahhh... for some reason I thought your list was specific to the BW movie release xD Oh well. Evidently the movie didn't disappoint, and that's the important thing, right?

      (And now , thinking about it, I think I can def. see all these points in the pre-Endgame movies - I've seen all of the movies released before Endgame except Captain Marvel. Still lovin' your list, Sam. I saved it as a bookmark to my Pocket account last night for future references... I have a feeling that if I ever review this movie, I shall probably link your post because this is so wonderful :)
      P.S. I replied to your comment on my post yesterday - I don't know if you chose to get notified or not when someone replies to your comment, so I thought to let you know :)

    3. Well, it was in honor of the BW movie release! It definitely did not disappoint.

      (Cool, cool! And I'm honored that you bookmarked it!)

      Thank you for the heads up!


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