Never Have I Ever Tag//Writer's Edition

I came across a tag recently that has been remaking its rounds through the blogosphere, and I thought it would be the perfect one for right after NaNoWriMo, so that all of my weird writing habits are fresh in my mind! Thus, today I shall be playing Never Have I Ever with writing things. :)

Link and thank the blogger who tagged you. (Thanks Chelsea for telling me I could steal it!)
Include the graphic somewhere in the post (or make your own!)
Answer the questions truthfully and honestly.
Tag 3 bloggers.

Never Have I Ever...

...started a novel that I didn't finish. ✔
Ha. Ahahaha. Yeah, I have definitely started a novel I haven't finished. It does happen a lot less often than I would have expected...not counting false starts in middle school (i.e. less than a chapter written, generally), I can count on one hand the first drafts I haven't finished. But those abandoned drafts do certainly exist. One of the more recent ones was a very promising idea that I killed by outlining it. I certainly learned my lesson--pantsing with light bullet points from here on out!

...written a story completely by hand. ✔
Would you believe that yes, I have? I wrote what came out to be at least a 40k manuscript completely by hand over a period of oh, probably a year? Maybe a little bit less. It spanned three notebooks, I believe. It was quite the thing to transcribe, when I wanted to have a digital document. (That was when I was a freshman in high school, I think? I don't remember precisely.) 

...changed tenses midway through a story. 
I don't know that I have, now that it comes down to it. I know that I've changed what person I was writing from (1st to 3rd, or vice versa, I can't remember which) but I don't think I've changed tense. I could be wrong, but I don't remember an occasion on which I've changed tense for more than a sentence or so, which I corrected immediately after. 

...not researched anything before starting a story. ✔
I have done that. It did not turn out well. That was one of the first drafts that I did not finish. XD (It was a story set in the 19th century, and it was going to be magical realism/urban fantasy/paranormal fiction, but I didn't start research before I started writing, and I got bogged down in the tiny details I needed to know, and it was BAD. 

...changed my protagonist's name halfway through a draft. 
I have definitely not done this! I think I've changed other characters' names (maybe), but never the protagonist. Names are too important to me--I need to know the protagonist's name, and not change them! (I have, however, gotten through an entire first draft without giving the protagonist a name. Or learning the protagonist's name, whichever. That was a whole thing.)

...written a story in a month or less. 
Sadly, no, unless you count one of my Quirks, which are flash fiction and usually only take me a couple of hours. I am a lengthy writer, of first drafts at least, meaning that even if I do (and win) NaNoWriMo, I'm still not done with the draft, and I find it hard to motivate myself to finish a whole first draft in a month if I don't know how many words that is, for better or worse.

...fallen asleep while writing. 
No, I haven't! I find it ridiculously difficult to fall asleep anywhere but my bed, and if I haven't fallen asleep on a transatlantic flight while I was dead tired, I will probably never fall asleep while writing.

...correct someone's grammar IRL/online. ✔
Yep, I have definitely done this! Usually, the person I'm correcting is related to me, but that's not a universal. I have an ear for grammar, and it irritates me in the extreme when it's not used properly (come on, y'all, how hard is their/there/they're or it's/its? Not that hard). My aunt has the title within our family of "Regina Grammaria" (queen of grammar), so I learned from the best. 

...yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of my novel. 
Guilty as charged. I actually do this on a fairly regular basis (i.e. at least once per novel, I do believe), because if I'm frustrated, it's kind of fun. And I know I'll think it's funny when I come across it again. I tried to find an example in my current draft to show you (because I'm 98% sure there is one), but it evaded me this time.

...used "I'm writing" as an excuse. ✔?
Maybe? I've probably turned down outings/getting food/going outside with people, whether at college or at home, because I was writing. I don't remember a specific occasion, but I'm pretty sure it's happened. We'll call that a yes.

...killed a character that was based on someone I know in real life. 
Would you believe me if I told you that I've done this twice? (Probably more times if you count characters that were just inspired by someone I know in real life.) It's quite painful (I've only killed characters based on people I care about in real life) but I think that honestly, killing people based on people I know makes it easier for me to write the MC's reaction to that death, because I can put myself in the MC's shoes more easily. 

...used pop culture references in a story. 
Oh yeah! Usually it's a Lord of the Rings reference, although I've also used Andrew Peterson, Howl's Moving Castle, and The Queen's Thief. (Do those things count as pop culture? I think they do.) This only really works when I'm writing contemporary-ish, though, and the references are fairly obvious--the MC is reading one of the books, or she or he thinks about a line from one of the books, &c. I did put a more subtle one in recently, which made me very happy. :)

...written between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. ✖
Not that I know of. I'm usually asleep between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m., and if I'm not, I'm in no condition to write, believe me.

...drank an entire pot of coffee while writing. ✖
Perhaps because I've never written between 1 and 6 a.m., I have never done this. In fact, I've never drunk an entire pot of coffee, period. And I haven't drunk coffee while writing in a really long time, if ever. It's just not a writing-esque beverage.

...written down dreams to use in potential novels. ✔
All the time! And even if I don't write them down, my dreams often give me ideas. I often have very vivid dreams (not all the time, but often) and they will often (but again, not always) stick with me, and so I end up using them. 

...published an unedited story on the internet/blog/Wattpad. ✖?
Do my Quirks count? Those are short flash-fiction stories that I post every so often...but even those I generally go over to check for voice, typos, grammar, &c. So, no?

...procrastinated homework because I wanted to write. ✔
Yep! Especially this past month. But I got all the homework done after I wrote, don't worry. I kept it together, although it was a bit of a feat.

...typed so long that my wrists hurt. ✖
Not that I remember. I don't generally do long periods of just writing. I need to take breaks to think. Maybe if I was a plotter, I wouldn't need that, but as a pantser, I need to figure out what happens next in order to continue, and that gives my wrists a break.

...spilled a drink on my laptop while writing. ✔?
Yes, I think, but I didn't get much liquid on the laptop. Just a few drops. (I think that's what happened? My memory of the event is quite vague. It might have been that someone else spilled a drink on my laptop.) 

...forgotten to save my work/draft. ✖
I don't think so! I have OneDrive, which saves my work automatically when I work in Word, so I don't really have to worry about that. (I have, however, forgotten to back up my work (mostly my photos, though, not my writing), which is another story.)

...finished a novel. ✔
Well, what does finishing entail? I've never taken a novel from idea to publication, BUT I have finished first drafts! We're going to count that. In fact, I think I've finished two novel-length first drafts (only one of which I find fit to continue working on) and am working my way towards a third!

...laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene. ✖
I don't think I've done this. I generally am not all that expressive while writing, except that I will try out the MC's expressions on my face, which can get awkward if I'm with other people. But I don't usually exult in causing the necessary pain and suffering in a novel, so thus, no evil chuckles.

...cried while writing a scene. ✔
If you count tearing up (which for me is the equivalent of legit crying, I think), then yes. It's only happened once or twice, but I knew that I was doing a good job with those scenes!

...created maps of my fictional worlds. ✔
I have done this! How good the maps are is another question, but for one of the novel-length first drafts I've finished (the one I'm not planning on doing something with, unless I repurpose the characters & worldbuilding but scrap the plot), I did make a map. And it was great fun, even if it wasn't a great map.

...researched something shady for a novel. ✔
Let's take a look at some of my search history: "Consequences of a broken pelvis", "how long does it take to bleed out from a shoulder wound/thigh wound/being shot in the chest", "what happens when someone is hit by a car", "how to deliver a breech baby", "Catholic baptism by a lay person in extremis", "weird neon signs", "how to kill rabbits". 
That's a big ol' yes. 

Final Tally:
✔: 15
?: 2
✖: 9
?: 1

And I Tag:
Miss Megan 
Sarah Seele
Rebekkah @ Blue Pail Blogs

What's the weirdest thing you've ever researched for a novel? Do you make the faces your MC makes while you write? Do you like seeing pop culture references in stories?


  1. I actually don't do much research, surprisingly. So I couldn't say off the top of my head. And for my MC(s) I never really thought of making faces, because I can actually feel a shadow of the emotion inside my heart *embarrassedly hides*

    I have actually never finished a novel ): but I have two that I'm writing right now, so I'll hope it will change! (Well, one is technically not a novel, it's a collection of stories. And Sleepwalker will probably take me a year (or at least to July Camp NaNo) to complete, as it is a large project. (Larger than Megan's Godchild? I'm planning to make it at least 100k words. *laughs evilly*))

    And no, I'm not as weird as to laugh like an evil villain when writing a scene. I collapse back into my seat when I'm writing a funny scene, and my face just gets all beamy, if you get what I mean.

    And I never drink coffee. (Unless something happens.) And I've never drank coffee while writing.

    As for pop culture, well... I don't really even know what pop culture is! (Says the really secluded person.)

    And I sometimes forget to save my work, but if I'm restarting my computer or something, it will warn me before it restarts. So, not a big deal for that.

    Hope your finals go well, hopefully see you sometime soon!

    1. You do mostly write fantasy. And that works, too! :)

      Well, I hope you'll be able to complete them, over time!

      I do know what you mean, I think! I can totally picture you doing that.


      Oh, you probably know what it is, you just don't realize it. :)

      I'm glad the computer warns you!

      Thanks, Faramir!

  2. Although I don't research much for my novels, since I'm often writing fantasy, I've looked at a lot of information about various injuries, shock, and first aid. I once made the mistake of looking up 'how to stitch a cut', which was disgusting.

    I do like putting references into my work too, but like yours, they're often more of the non-pop culture variety, such as book quotes. However, I have put Marvel references in a couple times. Does that count?

    Yes! Dreams are the best! Dreams are the place where I get at least half of my writing inspiration, possibly more. Scenes and characters and settings and whole magic systems have sprung from the depths of my subconscious. It does make my life a lot easier when ideas come to me in my sleep. Although they're not always the most coherent...

    You've killed characters based on people you're close to? Like whom? Seriously, that's both really cool and also a little frightening.

    Anyways, happy Friday!

    1. Haha, next time you need medical details, just call me instead, and I can give you the pertinent details. XD Don't look up how to stitch cuts, again, ok?

      Marvel references totally count as pop culture references! And they're fun. :)

      Dreams are SO amazing! I didn't realize that you got a lot of ideas from dreams! But it's true, the one problem with dreams is that they're not usually coherent. I usually have to do a lot of tweaking of things with my dream projects.

      I have, actually. Like, I'm not going to say publicly. :) Ask me a different time.

      Thank you!

  3. I didn't know I could look up my search history and just spent time having way too much fun with it. XD Though seriously, it's ALWAYS me looking up other words for colors? I'm boring. XD Or, "Can a horse stand up if someone is sitting on it". I'm still not sure about the answer... Oh, "the patron saint of math", though that had nothing to do with a story. That was me struggling with math homework and felt that I needed help (and maybe before I contacted you...). (According to Google, it's St. Hubertus, if you were curious.)

    (Though really, "how to kill rabbits"? Is there only one way? I know there's more than one way to skin a cat... ;))

    YOU'VE WRITTEN A STORY BY HAND??? Dude. That shocks and amazes me. I am shooketh. Bravo! That would be a nightmare. When we're little we all start out that way, but it's what made me almost give up. XD

    We have some different answers, so it's fun to see this! Like, I never kill off characters based on people I know in real life...excepting myself. I ALWAYS, like, without a doubt, kill off the character who is based on me. I'm not sure if that's me downing myself saying I'm the worst or if I pull a Beth and say that I'm too good for this world...? Coincidence? I don't like it, man, but I always look back and see this is what has happened. I mean, sacrifice is probably my favorite theme of all time...XD

    I'm glad to still be getting NaNo vibes. After a month of writing every day it's been so weird the last three days to not be in my story at all. But that's how it turns out every year. I only write during NaNo. Which is why when my mom thought it wasn't a good idea to try it this year I was like BUT I HAVE TO CUZ IT'S THE ONLY CHANCE I GET. I'm dramatic. We know this. XD

    1. Isn't it fun? Honestly, a lot of mine is boring, too, there's just the occasional gem... Now I'm curious if a horse can stand up if someone is sitting on it! (And I will definitely ask St. Hubertus for help if I need math help, lol. Good to know.)

      There are multiple ways to kill rabbits...I just wanted to know what kind of choices were out there. XD

      I have! It was a long time ago, before I was allowed on the computer as much! XD I can definitely understand that almost making you give up, though, it was ROUGH.

      You always kill off the characters based on you??? Wow. That's something else. The characters based on me are usually MC-ish (like, all my MCs have me in them, and I don't usually base any other characters on me) and so I can't kill them off, b/c I usually write in first person. XD Sacrifice is my favorite theme of all time, too!

      I know, it's so weird not to be writing as often! I need to do a bunch of writing work, but now it's finals and all that weird stuff, I don't have as much time. Maybe over Christmas break? I totally get NaNo being the only time you write,'s when I mostly first-draft (well, Camp is when I often first-draft), so I get the I HAVE TO DO IT OR ELSE IT WON'T HAPPEN thing! :)

  4. Hey Sam! Listen up, cause I'm not gonna sarcasm you in this comment! Yes, I know, unbelievable, but I want Faramir on my good side XD

    I am a total plotter, and whenever I try to pants it kills my project. I lovelovelovelovelove making maps, but I haven't actually done so for Project Winter. It's on the 'ol to-do, though.

    I killed a couple characters that were totally made up, but I'm planning to kill one based on Legolas. Heh hehe. I have made myself cry enough that I seriously reconsidered killing the guy I killed, because his poor little pet and... *sob*

    Anyway, that was an actual, lengthy comment where I didn't do the 'younger brother' thing and actually answered some questions in-depth, so, HA. I CAN do that. 😎😎😎

    1. A plausible idea. And I'm not so annoyed at you. Although I don't agree with the Legolas killing idea.

      I just don't kill off characters that much, and less characters that are based off of people in my life. *Tries to think of any character based off of people in my life, fails*

      You sure can! And I'm watching your every move...


    2. Hey Eomer! You're all good--I think your sarcastic remarks can be funny, but only if you're not messing with my comments with other people.

      That's so funny, because when I try to plot, it kills my project! I love your maps--maybe next time I need one, I'll just commission one from you...

      That's amazing! XD Have you told Legolas that yet? Oh no, I'm sorry that you're regretting killing one of your characters!

      Good work, yo! ;)

  5. Hey, Sam. Your dedication to language rules will be a benefit to you forever and ever, I promise! I so look forward to seeing you soon. Love, Regina Grammaria (not Anonymous at all).

    1. Hey Regina Grammaria. :) I'm glad you think that my dedication to language rules will be a benefit! I will do my best not to lose it. See you soon!
      Love, Sam

  6. I love these kinds of tags. So interesting! Also, I was kind of shocked you don't think coffee is a writing kind of beverage? :O

    I've tagged you, by the way, for the Give Thanks for Books Tag, if you wanted to join. :)

    1. It's always so fun to see everyone's answers!
      I know a lot of people think coffee is a writing beverage, but it just doesn't do it for me! Tea all the way. :)

      Oh, thank you!

  7. Love the shady things you've had to search. How to kill a rabbit is probably in mine too.

    1. Haha, it's a fun time! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's searched that...

  8. "[Coffee is] just not a writing-esque beverage." The whole internet just cocked its head at you like a confused dog. (But I don't like coffee, so, I mean, I agree. Tea IS a really nice writing beverage - cozy and classy.)

    This was soooo fun to read! I love that you try out the MC's facial expressions (I am so blank-faced when I write - if I'm not frowning in concentration - so I've never, like, accidentally done it around other people. But when I'm really stuck writing a scene, like I know what needs to happen but I can't get it down in a way that breathes, I absolutely start trying out expressions on my face, moving from there (if necessary) to hand motions and from there to awkward full-body movements. If I'm really stuck my room becomes the stage and I play all the parts. xD) and I LOVE your sketchy search history. My goodness. XD XD

    Thank you so much for tagging me! I'm gonna have fun with this.

    (And ooh. Pop culture references in stories. I like the sound of yours very much (I live for the day when I see a Queen's Thief reference in a real published story, oh my goodness! this day will probably never come because I don't read contemporary! so you definitely need to publish YOUR books so it will come for me after all!), and I love more nerdy/old-fashioned pop culture references, because being in on it adds an extra level of fun, right? But sometimes it annoys me. I'm not sure wherein the difference consists.)

    1. I know, I know, I know! But it's just not *cozy* like tea is, as you say. :)

      I'm glad! Wow, I kind of wish I could see you doing that while you write! I don't think I've ever gone further than facial expressions, but I can absolutely imagine needing to try things out with one's whole body. (It was very fun to pull things out of my sketchy search history, let me tell you.)

      You're welcome! I can't wait to see your answers! :)

      (I will see what I can do about those QT references in a published story for you...but it might be years. XD Being in on it does add a level of fun, and thus, I think, for me at least, the annoyance comes when the author is being too obvious about it, or adding in too many unnecessary references. But that's just me.)

  9. I've never actually finished a novel so that inpressive. I did finish a 20,000 word story for a contest and I've never finished anything anything since then unless short little flash fiction things count. Although, they're not novels it's more just a scene that was really detailed.
    I find that I have a hard time writing if I don't drink coffee and listen to music but tea also helps too.
    As a writer you have to have shady things in your search history it's part of the job description.

    1. Thank you! It was a lot of work. XD A 20k word story is nothing to sneeze at, though! And flash fiction is always incredibly fun. :)
      Listening to music is definitely a key part of most writers' process, I think!
      Indeed. If you're not searching shady things, you're doing it wrong!


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