Cover Reveal: Wishtress by Nadine Brandes

*materializes out of the ether*

I have something extraordinarily exciting to share with you guys today (even though it's not my normal posting day, hence my unusual entrance) --I get to help with the cover reveal for Nadine Brandes's new book, Wishtress! I know that it's on at least a few of y'all's TBRs, and I personally cannot wait until it's out (September 13th, y'all) and we can read it and revel in its indubitable deliciousness ourselves!

But until then, you're just going to have to content yourselves with a cover reveal. (Oh, and you can preorder it, if you want. Click here.)

And now, dear friends, it is time for you to start scrolllllling. Ready? Go!































































































Here's the blurb, in case you've been living under a rock not heard yet what it's about!

She didn’t ask to be the Wishtress.

Myrthe was born with the ability to turn her tears into wishes. But when a granted wish goes wrong, a curse is placed on her: the next tear she sheds will kill her. She needs to journey to the Well and break the curse before it claims her life—and before the king’s militairen track her down. But in order to survive the journey, she must harden her heart to keep herself from crying even a single tear.

He can stop time with a snap of his fingers.

Bastiaan’s powerful—and rare—Talent came in handy when he kidnapped the old king. Now the new king has a job for him: find and capture the Wishtress and deliver her to the schloss. But Bastiaan needs a wish of his own. He gains Myrthe’s trust by promising to take her to the Well, but once he gets what he needs, he’ll turn her in. As long as his growing feelings for the girl with a stone heart don’t compromise his job.

They are on a journey that can only end one way: with her death.

Everyone seems to need a wish—the king, Myrthe’s cousin, the boy she thinks she loves. And they’re ready to bully, beg, and even betray her for it. No one knows that to grant even one of them, Myrthe would have to die. And if she tells them about her curse . . . they’ll just kill her anyway.





























































































































































































Just a little further...





























































































































































Okay, maybe a lot farther...





























































































































































































































And here it is!

Look at the beauteousness! I can't wait to figure out the significance of the leaves! 

Here's the preorder link one more time, just in case you missed it...

Aaaaand...Samantha, out! *disappears in a puff of smoke*


  1. After all that scrolling...

    *Blank image*

    Now I am mad.

    Does sound like a fun book, though!

    (Also, why so much scrolling?)


    1. Says there was an error, could you try reloading it or something? Thanks


    2. Fixed it! Thanks for letting me know.

      (All the scrolling is entirely traditional for cover reveals.)


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