The Jolly [Green] Genre Jubilee Tag

I am stealing Kenzie's graphic, since I like it and also graphics often go with tags, and her url is in it. Kenzie, if you disapprove, please let me know and I will take it down.

The lovely Kenzie of Smudged Thoughts created a tag a couple of months ago (*cough* last May *cough cough*) that she very kindly told me that I was encouraged to steal it, so here I am, stealing it. 

"Samantha," you may ask, "why did you add 'green' to the title of this tag?" Well, my dear reader, I simply could not get the green out of my head. That is how I thought of this tag every single time I thought about it, and since Kenzie said, and I quote, "Excuse me, the Jolly Green Genre Jubilee is GENIUS", I am putting the 'green' in there, just for fun. ;)

On to the tag!

Praecepta (as a review for new readers, this is Latin for 'rules', and it is what I title all the rules for tags I post on my blog. It is not, as a rule, what the creators of the tag entitled their rules. So, when you do the tag, you may entitle them whatever you wish, whether it be "the rules", "bylaws", "restrictive maxims", or whatever else your little heart desires):

thank the blogger who tagged you, and leave a link back to their blog (thank you, Kenzie! You didn't technically tag me, but you said I could do it.)

leave a link back to the creator of the tag (also Kenzie! She's great! Check her out!)

answer the questions honestly, and include at least one (1) gif of a pelican

tag 3+ friends to do the tag on their own blogs!

What is your favorite genre of fiction to write?

I have so far had the most fun and best success with contemporary, generally with Catholic themes and undertones. So, that is so far my favorite genre. Given, though, I haven't written in very many genres yet, so that's provisional. 

What genre would you NEVER get caught writing? . . .EVER.

The obvious answer is romance. Especially inappropriate romance, but really, romance in general. I might have a romance subplot, but an entire book about two people falling in love? There. Is. No. Way. I would most likely be bored out of my skull, and also not a lot would probably happen, because nothing really does when people fall in love. They hang out a lot, and talk a lot, and it would be a really boring book if it was realistic. 

What fictional genre feels most like home to you?

To read, or to write? I'm not sure I have a "home" writing genre yet, but for reading, it's absolutely fantasy. Pretty much all of my favorite series as a kid (Redwall, Narnia, Ranger's Apprentice, Septimus Heap, The Prydain Chronicles, &c) were fantasy, and my favorite book of all time, The Lord of the Rings, is also fantasy. There's just something about that particular brand of world and book where I know that I've found My People. 

If you could transform your real life into any genre of your choosing, which would it be?

I wouldn't complain too much about being in a classic, honestly? Everything else seems like it would come with certain...complications...but in classics, generally the characters learn things in their lives, things happen, but not too many things, there's a certain amount of musing on the meaning of life (and I do that anyway) and Problems, but there's usually a happy ending, or at least a bittersweet one. Yes, I do think I would like that. Plus, then maybe people could actually use VOCABULARY in their lives again. (I was talking to someone recently who didn't know what 'providential' meant, and someone else who didn't know 'apropos'. *dies*)

*brief intermission for a pelican gif*

This looks kind of dangerous, just saying. It is a Large Bird.

*back to our regularly scheduled tag questions*

What genre does your real life most resemble at the moment?

Well, if you'd asked me this a couple of months ago, I'd've said dystopian...because, y'know, global pandemic and all. But while at school, at least, life has pretty much gone back to normal, it's just that we wear masks all the time. So, I don't know that dystopian is accurate anymore.

Maybe academia? Like, a mix between dark academia and light academia, so that the adjectives cancel out, and it's just academia? Is that a valid genre? I did describe a couple of the things I've experienced at college to Pippin, and he responded, "it sounds like you're living in a college movie", which honestly seems pretty accurate, so I think that fits. (Plus, discussion philosophy/life with various people forms a large part of my interactions with them, so there's that. I think that's on brand.)

Although there are also occasional times where it seems more like romantic comedy. You get no context for this and will probably never get context for this. (Whether you think I am the SC or the MC is up to you.)

What’s a genre you’re interested in writing, even though you’ve never written it before?

Historical fiction. I have made tiny starts in this department, but the amount of research involved for me to be satisfied with the end product is always so staggeringly large that I give up before I start. One of these days, though, I will buckle down to it and take 47,000 years to do all the research needed for a historical fiction book. (The thing is, I need to know things like "how much money would one give to a beggar", "how much did street food cost", "what did fashion look like", &c, ad infinitum, and there aren't always a lot of answers for those things.)

What genre is your most recent plot bunny, and where did it come from?

It's fantasy (not sure exactly what subgenre, probably hard/traditional-ish, if that's a subgenre) and it came actually from a variety of sources (most plot bunnies do) but primarily from looking tired and having a blemish under my eye at the same time. It made the weirdest looking mark on my face, and I kind of liked it and decided to give it to a character immediately. XD I also pulled in some characters from a defunct writing project of mine, with extra influence from a book I was reading to my siblings, and the rest of what I did that afternoon is history.

How many genres have you written thus far in your writing journey?

Kenzie very bravely listed off all the stories she's written or started with their genres in this particular slot. I am not so brave, so I will just list genres. This does not count flash fiction, of course. 

Fantasy (high-ish or hard-ish fantasy, or whatever you call more traditional fantasy)
Contemporary/Catholic contemporary
Dystopian/Catholic dystopian

I have begun historical fiction things but abandoned them quickly, and I have also begun and abandoned longer non-fiction projects before.

So, 3-5, depending on how you count it?

And I Tag:
Chloe the Movie Critic
The Grim Writer
Whoever else wants to do it! I got this tag by borderline piracy, only fair that you can, too.

Would you ever write romance? Where do your plot bunnies come from? Have you ever felt like you were in a rom-com?


  1. I love the phrasing of 'genre you wouldn't get caught writing' which seems to suggest that you would, but you wouldn't admit it. Which of course isn't the intention at all, but I like the vague loophole-ness of it
    Also I love that sometimes you refuse to give context for things XD It's enough that you know that you've revealed something and then you pretend like it never happened. I relate lol
    One random writing question, Do ever write something or come up with something and then it's starts happening in real life?
    Anyways loved reading your answers! Cheers committing to borderline piracy

    1. To clarify, I mean the wording of the question 'what's a genre you would never get caught writing' and not your response to it being vague

    2. Haha, I know! It's a good way to phrase the question, I guess? It leaves a certain amount of ambiguity for the answer.

      Lol, sometimes I need to hint at things going on in my life without actually saying anything, to protect the innocent...and the guilty. XD

      I don't think I've ever written anything that started happening in real life...but I could definitely see that happening, and it would be WEIRD!

      Cheers indeed. :)

  2. (I mean, just now I had to look up the words 'providential' and 'apropos'. I know I've heard them a lot so I had a rough understanding of what they meant, but wasn't completely sure. I also didn't know that's how you spell 'apropos'...we're dealing with a small vocabulary here. XD Funny story, the other day, but sister who knows pretty much every word in the English dictionary couldn't remember what something was except in Spanish. She was trying to get my help to figure out what it was and I was like, "there's a word in English for that?" XD)

    Wow, you giving no context for things like that is unnerving. XD My sister's job right now is literally making her feel like she's in a rom-com/Hallmark movie and she loves it. I love hearing about it. XD

    The origin of that plot bunny? Straight up writer vibes. I love it! XD

    Thanks for the tag! This looks fun. :)

    1. (See, a rough understanding is enough, I think, and maybe better, because that means you learned what it means through actual use, whether in conversation or in reading, and that's way better than memorizing the definition, and it shows the that vocab is alive. Anyways...
      Haha, that's hilarious! I have friends who speak Spanish, and the other day we were talking about words in Spanish that actually have no equivalent words in English, and I found out about some interesting ones.)

      Haha, but I cannot give context. Cannot and will not. If anything important happens, y'all will find out eventually... Ooh, what's her job? That sounds so fun!

      It was an entertaining afternoon! XD XD

      You're welcome! Looking forward to your answers. :)

  3. Hi Sam! (Sorry I have been quiet. I have had an epiphany: if there's nothing to say, then don't say anything. I have been reading your posts, but not commented.)

    (I'm pretty sure that somebody has used that pelican GIF already for a Kenzie tag...)

    indeed, that horrific lack of proper sense (AKA vocab) is sad. (What classic would you choose your life based off of, anyway? If you count our literature books. If it was Walden (who would ever choose such a book as a classic), then people would drone on and on about things that they don't really understand (I mean, what sensible person would bring their washing to their mom after they moved out, while they are talking about "a nice solitary life by walden pond?" the cheek!).)

    (Everyone agreeing that Walden deserves to be burned... raise their hand...)

    (*raises hand*)


    (P.S. I mean, what a waste of paper, printing Walden!)

    1. Hey Faramir! No problem!

      (Well, that doesn't stop me, now does it?)

      It is sad! I'm not sure which classic I would choose! The Anne of Green Gables series would probably be what I'd lean towards...certainly not Walden! *raises hand*

  4. I joined in your piracy!!

    This was a fun one. I have a new appreciation for pelican gifs. Also, I like your "classics" answer for the genre you would want to live in. I had to say "historical fantasy" so that I could have the vocabulary and nice hats of the classics genre while also having some magical alternative to modern medical care...

    1. Yay! :)

      There is much more of a variety of pelican gifs than I ever would've expected, and many of them are much more amusing than I'd've expected! Hm, I do think I'd miss the modern medical care...but hey, if I was in a classic, I probably wouldn't know what I was missing! XD I approve of "historical fantasy" as a choice, though, for sure.


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