Wishtress Release Day!

Hey everyone! Just a quick post today to say that Nadine Brandes's newest book, Wishtress, releases today! It's been, as the kids say, a "hot minute", since we last got a book from her--Romanov released in earlyish 2019--so, again as the kids say, "get hyped"! It's a good one. Better, in my humble opinion, than any of her other books thus far.

Just saying.

It's available in hardback, as an audiobook, and as an ebook.

Just saying,

Anyways, I reviewed it HERE, if you'd like to read all of my thoughts! 

(You may recognize the header picture from that review, and that would be because I left my ARC at home, forgetting that, duh, release day. XD But I still think that the juxtaposition posed by the picture is hilarious, so. *shrugs*)

In any case, happy book birthday to Nadine and Wishtress!!!!

And now I'm going to get back to the business of trying to finish two projects for school in one week, while still hosting five of the strangest characters in all of fiction. ;)


  1. It looks stunning! I'll have to add this one to my tbr.


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