January Wrap-Up

In trying to get my blog schedule up and running for the next couple of months so that I wouldn't have to worry about it during the semester quite as much, I sort of lost sight of the fact that I needed a wrap-up for January.


*cue mad scrambling*

But, I'm here to tell you what my crazy January held!

Some things I did...
-Got to see one of our Dominicans who's currently pursuing an advanced degree at a university on the East Coast, cuz he came home to visit his family
-Ran two weddings (I have a job as a wedding coordinator for our church, and it's something I absolutely LOVE to do)
-Saw a version of Cinderella (the Rogers & Hammerstein musical) at one of our local theaters
-Had a portfolio review for the first time with two different professionals--I got very good suggestions for improvement!
-Tagged along to homeschool co-op with my mom and youngest two siblings on a couple of occasions. Mom is helping with the preschoolers this semester, and let me tell you, they are exhausting
-Watched The Man Who Invented Christmas--what an extraordinarily delightful movie!
-Flew back to school, and started again the day after MLK day
-Started classes again--I'm trying to take 21 credit hours again this semester, we'll see how that goes. It went south very quickly last spring semester, so I may need to drop a class. But I hope not, because I love all of them!
-Went to Chicago for the first time ever with a friend of mine who needed to get his Horn fixed, and got to see the Fine Arts Building, Millenium Park, the Lurie Gardens, Maggie Daley Park, and the Art Institute, all of which was AMAZING and I definitely need to back. (The Art Institute is so awesome! And not that far away!)

Fun Quotes

Gandalf: *in mildly bored tones* "Oh yes, this blog."
[Reader, the blog in question was my own blog.]

Animal Issues Professor: "I'm Dr. Digger. My husband is also Dr. Digger and also teaches in Animal Science. My dad thinks that Dr. Digger sounds like Dr. Pepper, so he calls my husband 'Diet Dr. Digger'. So that's how I'm going to refer to him in this class."
[Name changed to protect the guilty & the innocent.] [Also, she totally did go ahead and call her husband 'Diet Dr. Digger'. And I'm also in his class, and am very tempted to ask if I can call him 'Diet Dr. Digger'.]

Animal Repro Professor: "I have no idea why the number of people dying in their bedsheets is going up."

Animal Nutrition Professor [aka Diet Dr. Digger]: "We're going to talk a lot about corn. I am not going to sing the song."

Dr. Digger: *ghost hands* "woo, the algorithm!"

Dr. Digger: "Dudes, what is it about six feet?? We'll still like you if you're five foot ten!"

Lily: *out of nowhere* "I fractured my toe over break."

Nicky: "I've never taken a CS class. But I did get the last question on the lab right. *pause* The second time."

My Friend's Horn Maker: *tests horn* *it's fixed* *raises arms in the air* "I am Gandalf!"

Worth Reading...

...if you're okay with a little bit of horror

A Bloody Habit & Brother Wolf by Eleanor Bourg Nicholson 
These are Catholic vampire and werewolf novels, respectively--but not your contemporary vampire/werewolf romance, but actual vampire/werewolf horror, drawing inspiration from Dracula &c. (The first book, especially.) I don't usually go for horror, but these books also involved Dominicans, and turned out to be some of the best depictions of Dominicans I've ever seen (even though I've not seen many, if any, Dominicans in fiction), and I was thus in seventh heaven. The Dominicans are vampire hunters, and the Franciscans tackle the werewolves, which is just fantastic. The first book is clearly meant to reference Dracula quite a bit, where the second one ventures out more on its own; I enjoyed both immensely. And they made me think about the mainstream contemporary depictions of vampires and werewolves, too.

...if you love books (a pretty safe bet on this blog, I think)

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
I had been waffling about reading this one, even though I loved The Night Circus, because I'd heard there was some content in it that I Did Not Approve Of. Which there was, but it really was possible to look past it to the setting, because the book is really about the setting, and not about the characters and their (sometimes dubious) choices. It's about what-if-there-was-a-place-which-kept-all-the-stories-of-the-world, and the world which that what-if creates makes what is quite possibly my favorite fictional setting of all time: the Harbor of the Starless Sea (and the Starless Sea itself). It's nearly impossible to describe, except to say that it's definitely written for all the kids who were always checking wardrobes for Narnia. Also, for anyone who loves to read. It's really a love letter to books and the reading life and being a reader, and so for that, I recommend it.

...if you're in the mood for a brief jaunt into an amusing fantasy world

The Game by Diana Wynne Jones
It almost seems like Diana Wynne Jones just sat down and wrote a quick fun jaunt for her own enjoyment, and then published it. It's about a group of cousins and a fantasy game they like to play, and I can't say much more than that without spoiling it but suffice it to say that there are many mythology references, her trademark fantastical style, and lots and lots of cousins. 

So, how was your January? Do you ever read horror? Have you ever been to Chicago? Did you find me in that picture of Cloud Gate (aka the Bean)?


  1. This is so fun! Your January sounds so busy but also very fun. Also, 21 credit hours??? GIRL. How are you human. *passes out* Best of luck!

    1. It was, indeed, both busy and fun! Um...wait to judge whether I'm human until I actually successfully complete 21 credit hours, lol! Thank you!

  2. Whoa, congrats on your visit to Chicago! It's such a cool city, and I hope you can go back!

    *once again adds all these books to my TBR* I've been eyeing the Starless Sea for AGES but have been too intimidated to start. . . . Until now XD

    Glad to hear you had a good January! I hope your February continues that :D

    1. Thank you! I'd love to go back sometime very soon--so many more museums to see, more parks to visit, and more seasons to see it in!

      Hehe, I feel like I should apologize, but getting people to add those to their TBRs was kind of my goal? XD I hope you love the Starless Sea! (There is one Relationship Of Which I Do Not Approve, which maybe I should have made more clear in my post, but I still think the book is Eminently Enjoyable And A Must For Any Reader, so...)

      Thank you! I hope you have a lovely February, too!

  3. January has been... an interesting month. It's been a blend of awesome (because my mom and sister are visiting), and hard (because we all got sick), and eventful (because of a project I can't say anything about just yet)... but overall, it's been mostly good.

    Congrats on your trip to Chicago! I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, so it has a sweet special place in my heart. The Field Museum and the Museum of Science and Industry are my favorites!

    The closest I've ever gotten to reading "horror" are Bram Stoker's Dracula and Frank Peretti's The Oath... and I love both of those. But I still like a good helping of fantasy even in my horror, so "gothic fantasy" is the closest I get.

    1. I'm sorry to hear you all got sick! That's always a bummer, especially when a bug starts to make its way through the whole family, and people are falling one by one, so it takes forever to be done with it... but I hope you have/had fun with your mom and sister!

      Thank you! I definitely want to visit the Field Museum and the Museum of Science and Industry on a future visit--there's so much to see in Chicago, and I definitely want to go back multiple times!

      I've heard good things about Dracula, but I've never dared read it! Maybe someday.

  4. 21 Credit hours! Gosh girl, you're really going hard. Blessings to you in that endeavor!
    Overall, though, sounds like a pretty fun January. The Man Who Invented Christmas is a treasure, and I'm so glad to hear you like it as much as I do.
    Okay, it always give me such a weird feeling to see A Bloody Habit anywhere because I grew up with the author. I mean, not exactly, because she was a lot older than me, but I've known her and her family quite well for as long as I can remember. I went to her wedding, for crying out loud. They more or less ran the office administration at our massive Dominican parish, and I always wondered how if 'Miss Eleanor's book' was any good. Somehow never got around to reading it--and I certainly didn't know there was another one! Gosh. I really need to read those. And I like horror, so I really have no excuse.
    And The Game! Good stuff that. I tore through that little book and had a grand old time with it.
    For once I recognize almost everything you mentioned in this wrap-up! I feel quite satisfied, haha.
    God bless you Sam! Take care of yourself despite those 21 credit hours okay? ;D

    1. Yeah, we'll see how that actually goes... Thank you!

      It was a very fun January! I can't wait to rewatch The Man Who Invented Christmas, like, every year. It'll be great.

      Oh my goodness, that's CRAZY! That's so cool! It's a small world, when it comes to Dominicans, which is something I've known for a long time, but I'm continually surprised by it anyway! I definitely think that "Miss Eleanor's Book" is Any Good--especially A Bloody Habit! (The other one was a bit off in pacing, I thought? But I still really enjoyed it.) You really should read it--I'd be interested to hear what you think!

      Oh yes! Were you the one who recommended The Game? It was someone in the blogosphere... It is indeed a grand old time.

      You should be satisfied! Congratulations and all that. :)

      Thank you! I'm doing my best... God bless you, too, Grim!


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