Comments Not Working?

Hey y'all!

I've been wondering about the strange lack of comments on my blog, until I went to go try to comment on others' Blogger blogs and wasn't able to. I'm not sure what's causing this, or if it's permanent, or what the heck is going on, and to be quite honest, I won't have time to figure it out for a little bit (because #school). So, I'm going to take a brief hiatus while I try to a) figure that out, b) get my life together, and c) decide if I want to move to a different platform (scary, right?). 

See you in a bit!



  1. I'll be your guinea pig! Does this comment work?

  2. I can comment now, I haven't commented on blogger blogs in a couple weeks. I moved to Wordpress a couple years ago (first the self-hosted paid for, now I'm working on moving it to the free, Google randomly abandons some of its products, so I'm hoping Wordpress has more lasting power. I think near the time I switched people where having issues with following blogger blogs.

    1. Okay, good! I maaaay consider a switch to Wordpress at some point, but today is not that day, just yet. (I don't have the time, lol!)

  3. Weirdly, I can comment just fine on blogger blogs, even though it won't let me sign in with my google account to do so. Wordpress blogs have been giving me commenting FITS lately though, because it insists that I sign into my wordpress account (even though my wordpress blogs haven't been active for a couple of years now) and won't let me sign in any other way even if the blogger has allowed other means of signing in/leaving comments.

    1. Huh, that is very strange! Why can't technology just cooperate...
      Thankfully, it seems like the Blogger commenting issues have been resolved, but I'm still a little wary...Wordpress may be the way to go one of these days.

  4. I've had people complaining about this to me too. It hasn't been an issue for me so far, but that may change. But I do know that sometimes, Blogger just doesn't tell me I got comments, always from specific people. It's weird.

    1. That is very strange! I'm worried at some point that Blogger is just going to stop being supported...I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.


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Hi! I'm so glad you are here and taking the time to comment. I love all comments, even ones on old posts! I just ask that you are respectful and keep the comments section clean. Thank you!