Types of Catholic Women (in which Bookshire turns into Buzzfeed)

(My siblings are of the opinion that I've been posting too much serious stuff lately, and I need to post something a little lighter, so I'm pulling this post out of my drafts. :))

Um, so that was an extremely clickbaity title. I don't apologize, though, because this post is, as the name would suggest, pretty much the equivalent of a Buzzfeed "which Catholic woman are you" quiz, except without the quiz part. 

The idea randomly popped into my head a month or two ago when I was supposed to be doing something else, and I was like "that sounds super fun" and proceeded to whip it up in record time (include some time where I was, heh, supposed to be doing homework) and had a lot of fun with it. I hope you have fun reading it. :)

It's not meant to be deep, nor is it meant to be especially a critique of anything...just a compilation of things I've observed in my life, in living at a Newman Center, and, well, being a Catholic woman. 

So. Please enjoy, and let me know what you think--are these on point? What would you change? And if you're not Catholic...does your denomination have some of these types of women, too?

(All images are from Pinterest unless otherwise noted.)

The Feminine
flowery//beautiful pictures of Mary//many saint cards//flower-print skirts//praying outside abortion clinics
Favorite Saints: St. Therese of Lisieux, Mary
Favorite Religious Order: Carmelites
Favorite Prayer: Any Novena ever
Fights Against: Vanity
Favorite Book: Any devotional/saint story, esp. those older than 1990
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Emily Wilson

The Intellectual
many books//philosophy//theology//reading constantly//arguments//writing papers for fun//Plato vs. Aristotle//scholasticism
Favorite Saints: St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Edith Stein, St. Dominic, St. Anselm
Favorite Religious Order: Dominicans
Favorite Prayer: St. Joseph of Cupertino Prayer
Fights Against: Pride, perfectionism
Favorite Book: The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: G. K. Chesterton

The Musician
church choir//plays at least one instrument//warming up as she gets a dress on before Mass//humming while she works//has a definite opinion on hymnals
Favorite Saints: St. Cecelia, St. Gregory the Great
Favorite Religious Order: Franciscans
Favorite Prayer: Adoro te Devote
Fights Against: Envy
Favorite Book: The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Audrey Assad (okay, I know she apostatized, but I can be in denial about that, right?)

The Athlete
morning run//time at the gym//going to Mass in shorts and headband//make this Temple of the Holy Spirit as strong as possible//pray while exercising 
Favorite Saints: St. Sebastian, Blessed Chiara Luce Badano
Favorite Religious Order: Franciscans
Favorite Prayer: St. Michael the Archangel prayer
Fights Against: Body image issues
Favorite Book: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck

The Traditionalist
Latin Mass//lace veils//multiple different missals//trying to avoid the Novus Ordo//‘courting’ not dating
Favorite Saint: St. Pius V
Favorite Religious Order: Canons Regular
Favorite Prayer: The Rosary (but not the Luminous Mysteries)
Fights Against: Pride
Favorite Book: The Privilege of Being A Woman by Alice Von Hildebrand
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Archbishop Cordileone

Source: Married And A House
The Housewife
pinterest-worthy house//art on the walls//housekeeping is a calling//praying while she works//vision board for her home
Favorite Saints: St. Zelie Martin, Mary as homemaker in Nazareth
Favorite Religious Order: Third Order of anything
Favorite Prayer: Liturgy of the Hours
Fights Against: Acedia
Favorite Book: Anything by Rumer Godden
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Fr. Mike Schmitz

Source: Christ in the City
The Doer Of Works Of Mercy
volunteering everywhere//has a heart for the poor and neglected//works on holidays especially//prayer is active
Favorite Saints: Mother Teresa, St. Francis
Favorite Religious Order: Sisters of Charity
Favorite Prayer: Spiritual Communion
Fights Against: Fear
Favorite Book: Tattoos on the Heart by Gregory Boyle
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Fr. Agustino Torres

The Human
knows and acknowledges wounds and flaws//goes on retreat a lot//talks about how God is working in her life
Favorite Saints: Mary Magdalene, St. Teresa of Avila
Favorite Religious Order: Society of Our Lady of the Trinity (SOLT)
Favorite Prayer: Litany of Trust
Fights Against: Self-loathing
Favorite Book: The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Sr. Miriam James

The Mom
too many kids to count (or struggling with infertility…there’s not a lot of in-between)//piles of laundry//wants to go to Adoration but doesn’t have time//my husband is lucky if there’s food on the table//trying to turn these barbarians into good Catholics
Favorite Saints: St. Gerard, St. Gianna Molla, St. Frances of Rome
Favorite Religious Order: Sisters of Life
Favorite Prayer: Divine Mercy Chaplet (shorter than the Rosary)
Fights Against: Busyness
Favorite Book: In This House of Brede by Rumer Godden (because it’s about cloistered religious, and that’s a great escape)
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Bishop Robert Barron

The Outdoorswoman
climbing mountains//sweatshirt, jeans, and beanie//Mass in the woods//hanging out with religious//verso l’alto//made for greatness
Favorite Saints: St. John Paul II, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
Favorite Religious Order: Dominicans
Favorite Prayer: St. Patrick’s Breastplate
Fights Against: Impatience
Favorite Book: The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

The Artist
writer or painter or both//paint under her fingernails//fingers tapping on the keyboard//portraits of the saints//let this art glorify You, O Lord//wants to be published, but only if it’s God’s will//thinks a lot about the meaning of art
Favorite Saints: St. John Paul II, St. Luke, Bl. Fra Angelico, St. Francis de Sales
Favorite Religious Order: Benedictines
Favorite Prayer: Litany of Humility
Fights Against: Lack of trust
Favorite Book: The Mind of the Maker by Dorothy Sayers
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Flannery O’Connor

The Teacher
always trying to learn more//needs to reach her students’ hearts//classical aspirations//Chesterton//loves Catholicism and is baffled that anyone wouldn’t//20th century novels to unwind in the evenings
Favorite Saints: St. Katherine Drexel, St. Dominic, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Favorite Religious Order: Dominicans
Favorite Prayer: The Angelus
Fights Against: Discouragement
Favorite Book: Persuasion by Jane Austen
Favorite Modern Catholic Figure: Katie Prejean McGrady

So! As any good Buzzfeed article probably would (I'm not usually on Buzzfeed, for the preservation of my time and sanity, so I'm not 100% sure), I must ask...which are you? How about your friends? What would you add? Also, did I get anything wrong? I'm very curious about if this matches up with other peoples' perceptions!


  1. The important question is which one are YOU, Sam? ;) I’m guessing it’s The Intellectual, but that could just be my perception… Could also be The Outdoorswoman…

    I mean, I don’t know hardly any of these Modern Figures so I don’t know what that says about me. XD I know Fr. Mike Schmitz. My favorite Modern Catholic Figure is Pope Francis!

    “make this Temple of the Holy Spirit as strong as possible”<-- SO accurate!! XD

    None of these are like me, but I can DEFINITELY see it for many people I know. XD This might be why they all think I’m so strange and bizarre, because I don’t fit into any of these types…hmm, this explains a lot.
    I’m probably closest to The Doer of the Works Of Mercy when it comes to the favorites for saints, and it would be the person I would WANT to be. Hey, and Spiritual Communion is one of my favorite prayers! That or Divine Mercy Chaplet…because yeah, it’s short…

    Maybe I just need an outside perspective, though. Which one do you think I am, Sam? ;)

    Your titles are cracking me up. XD Like, “The Human”? *smirks* (jk, jk, you said it was a fun post so of course I have to crack some jokes. ;) )

    But, my dearest Sam, pray tell, do you not think any Catholic Woman have the Jesuits as their favorite religious order? I know YOU’RE not overly fond of them, but could they be important to others? *blinks innocently* In my current class I actually have found another favorite modern figure in that order, so…

    1. Just jumping in to say that I have a newfound appreciation for the old school Jesuits, Chloe! Have you read any of Fr. Francis J. Finn's books for boys? SO GOOD. And they had some pretty epic martyrs back in the day. I just squealed at length over some of them in my book review post, so I'll spare you here, but ST. ISAAC JOGUES. *flails* MY MAN. They just have such a MASCULINE charism, I think. (There's no female side of the order, is there? Interesting...)

    2. Y'know, Chloe, that is an excellent question! I feel like I'm a mix between The Intellectual, The Musician, The Traditionalist (just a leetle bit!), The Outdoorswoman, and, honestly The Artist! That last one surprised me, but I was reading back through the post to answer your question, and I was like "...um...that's kind of me. Oops." So...I am complex. (I definitely see myself most in The Intellectual, though, so you're definitely on point!)

      Well, a lot of the Modern Figures are a bit obscure! (I did that on purpose to make people look them up, mwahaha. And also because I couldn't think of any others, lol.)

      Haha, I'm glad you think so!

      I'm glad that it seems accurate to people you know! But I think I could maybe make another category for you, and other people that I know? It would be something like "The Modern Catholic" and be along the lines of "going on retreats, especially ones like Cursillo//always learning more about being Catholic//not too worried about historical debates, just give me Jesus//"...I could think of more, but I'm already scared that I've put you in the wrong box. XD Tell me what you think!
      But don't think that you're weird because you don't fit in any of these 'boxes'! I knew when I posted it that I probably was missing things.
      You being the Doer of the Works of Mercy makes sense, though! I can see you getting into that groove. :) More power to you! (Spiritual Communion is an awesome prayer.)

      Haha, I couldn't think of a better title for that one! I know it sounds silly. XD

      Okay, I don't think that Catholic Women should have *modern* Jesuits as a favorite /order/. Given that the Jesuit order today is...um...not good. (Largely. There are still good men in the Jesuits, but as an order, they're kind of...off in the deep end.) However, I am TOTALLY down with a) Catholic women having favorite modern figures who are Good Jesuits and b) Catholic women loving historic Jesuits and the Jesuit order as it used to be (which was AWESOME). (And do tell who this new favorite modern Jesuit is!)

    3. And the old school Jesuits were great! Totally with you on that, Megan! (I don't have anything against them as they /were/, just as they /are/.) They did SUCH good work in the New World, and I really admire them for that. And ST. ISAAC JOGUES WAS SO AWESOME. Also, St. John de Brebuf and St. Jacques Marquette...so many good Jesuit martyrs!

  2. This is very cool, sister. Now do it for us dudes. I'm imagining: The Couch Potato; on the seventh day god rested//even videogames glorify the lord//. I'll be waiting ;)

    1. That's actually a good idea, brother of mine. I'll see what I can do. ;)

  3. XD Love this, Sam! I definitely know some of these women. I think everyone will be a /combination/ of said types rather than fitting perfectly into them, but that is as it should be with a true Buzzfeed article. Well done.

    I relate most to The Intellectual, The Artist, The Teacher, and The Human, in no particular order, although I think I tend to put The Intellectual and The Artist on display the most and am just starting to develop The Teacher in me due to my current work.

    1. I'm so glad you liked it, Megan! I do agree--I was intentionally trying to make each one as categorical and one-note-y as possible, so everyone is going to be a combo, but I'm happy that my analysis is not totally off, and you can see some of the women you know in it! (That was my hope.)

      That makes a lot of sense! I think I have definitely seen the most of The Intellectual and The Artist from you, but I've loved getting to hear about you putting on the more Teacherly hat, and I can definitely see you as The Human, too! :)

  4. Allie M. (Married & a House)June 4, 2023 at 6:14 PM

    Hi!!! I am honored that my photo (thanks for the credit) is under ”the housewife” - as that category fits me the best! It was pretty accurate with the exception of Rumer Godden. I must admit I hadn’t heard of that book but now it has been added to my reading list. And my favorite modern Catholic might be Fr. Jacques Phillipe! But I love this and thought it was a really fun and well thought out post! I enjoyed seeing which one I was and thinking of people I know who fit other categories.

    Blessings to you!

    1. Oh my goodness, hello Allie! Thank you so much for commenting! (And you're most welcome for the credit--hopefully it sends some people over in your direction!) I'm glad that I managed to come up with a description for "the housewife" that fits you well, in addition to using your picture for it, lol! (It would have been awkward if I used your picture and you didn't relate to it at all...)
      Ooh, I would highly recommend anything by Rumer Godden! But if you haven't read any of her works before, do start with In This House of Brede, for sure! It's my mom's favorite of hers, and I believe my aunt's favorite, as well.
      Father Jacques Philippe is wonderful! I've not read a lot of his books, but the ones I have read have been spectacular--my most recent favorite is Priestly Fatherhood.
      Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed this post. :)

      God bless you, too!

  5. Oh, a blend perhaps... in these descriptions, probably the Intellectual, though that is not what I'd identify as.

    1. Yeah, I think most people are a blend! What do you tend to identify as?

  6. I love this, Sam! Such a great idea for a fun post. I'm definitely a mix of a few, as I think everyone would be. The Traditionalist is the top one for me, though, and it's pretty accurate! I've only been to a couple Novus Ordo Masses in my entire lifetime and yes to the veil! Yup, I've got three different missals and the original 15 decades of the Rosary is my favorite prayer- job well done for accuracy!

    I'm also a mix between the Athlete, the Musician, the Mom, and the Teacher. Being a second daycare provider in an in-home daycare has taught me so much about motherhood! Sometimes, I feel like I'm a mom to those 12 kids...also being daycare supervisor at a Catholic school makes me feel like a teacher almost every day and it was always my dream job. I'm definitely always trying to reach my students' hearts, especially since I have way more boys to handle.

    1. Thank you so much, Miss K! And good to "see" you! Ooh, I'm happy that The Traditionalist is accurate, because that's one that I *lean towards* but not one that I have a lot of practical knowledge with. (Or rather, almost all of the Traditionalists I know are men, so I had to extrapolate for women...)

      Oh wow, daycare provider for an in-home daycare sounds like a fun but very demanding job! And so does daycare supervisor! I can't imagine doing that all day...my introverted heart quails. XD But yeah, why are boys' hearts so hard to reach??


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