We Interrupt This Broadcast To Announce...

First of all, hi. It's me, Samantha, not Eomer. Yes, I know it's Monday, but I'm out of Eomer posts, so you're stuck with me.

But remember how I said I was getting rid of my cached posts because of a Super Secret Thing That You'd Find Out About In January? (Okay, maybe you don't, but I did say it.)

Well, today's the day!

(Are you excited? I'm excited.)

I've been sitting on this news since October, and I am THRILLED to be sharing it with you today...




In point of fact, I'm studying abroad at the University of Sheffield, which is within spitting distance of the Peak District, and if you were wondering, yes, I am thrilled about that. 

And as if that wasn't enough, there are also some post-study-abroad-semester adventure plans in the works that I'll definitely be filling you in on as they become more concrete. :)

"Sam," you may be saying, "that's amazing, but what does that have to do with cached posts?"

Ah! Excellent question! It has to do with cached posts, because my plan, instead of doing what I usually do during a semester and writing all of my posts ahead of time, is to turn my blog into a bit of a travelogue. Granted, a travelogue with a lot of fangirling about books, music, etcetera (I already have a list of authors whose homes &c I'd like to see, plus a list of books I Simply Must Read While In England, and I'm eagerly anticipating telling you about all of those.) You'll get to follow along with my travel adventures, but also my reading adventures, musical adventures, and general musings about the (hopefully) wonderful experience of Being In England. 

(This is insane, guys. I can't believe it's actually happening. WUT.) 

My current plan is to stick with my once-a-week posting cycle, but I'll let you know if that becomes too much, or I decide to change it. I may switch to a different day, just for ease of write-up, but we'll see. Friday seems good for now. :D (As I post this post on a Monday, lol.)

One other thing about study abroad--I'm planning on giving my blog link to a few more people in my real life than currently have it. If you are one of those people who I've given it to, welcome, I'm very pleased to see you in my virtual brainspace, and please leave a comment so I know you're following along! (I'm hoping that letting more people see what I'm up to will help me also keep in touch with them--y'all--while I'm abroad, but that doesn't happen unless you comment!) If you're one of my regular blog readers, you may see an increasing number of comments from people who are unfamiliar and/or perhaps would be familiar to you if they introduced themselves using the pseudonyms I use for them on the blog. *wiggles eyebrows* That doesn't mean y'all regular readers are off the hook for commenting, either! I want to keep in touch with you, too!

For everyone, I hope you enjoy being along for the ride! I have my first day of classes on February 5, and I'm hopping across the pond in just a few days, so expect some Sam-in-England content hitting your inbox starting possibly as soon as next week! :D (Which is insane to me. How is this happening. How is this my real life. XD) 

(Incidentally, if you're new to following me, especially if you know me in real life, a couple of things. A) please respect my internet privacy and only refer to me as Sam or Samantha! Tis my name, you know. ;) And B) if you'd like posts delivered to your inbox every time I post, so you don't have to check the blog all the time, head over to the little green button on the right sidebar that says "Follow This Blog", click it, and follow the instructions. :) It'll send links to any new post directly to your email for your perusing pleasure.)


  1. That's really cool! England is amazing. I live in Scotland, so not too far away:-)

    1. Yes! I'm super excited about it! Oh, very cool! I didn't know you were in the British Isles. :)

  2. You're going to have so much fun and I can't wait to follow along!

    1. I hope so! And I'm looking forward to having you follow along! :)

  3. Well, this is incredibly cool! Congratulations! I hope you have an amazing time :-)

    1. Thank you so much! I am having an excellent time so far. :D

  4. Hey Sam! Someone who knows you irl here (: Congrats on the study abroad! Much for you to explore! All for the glory of the Lord.

    I am amused by how your announcement went from more general to less general: "I'M STUDYING ABROAD! I'M STUDYING ABROAD IN EUROPE! I'M STUDYING ABROAD IN ENGLAND!" Way to build suspense... you had me on the edge of my seat!

    It is my firm belief that individuals, communities, and societies benefit greatly from a more global perspective. How easy it is to subconsciously fall into thinking that all people from all places mostly think and act like the people in one's normal surroundings do. How erroneous that perception is! I'm excited for you to experience more of the immense diversity of human culture.

    Paradoxically, the more I have experienced human diversity the more I have come to appreciate the universality of truth. It's like looking at the same reality from different angles. Recognizing the same real principles in new situations has encouraged me to grow in my conviction of what is good, beautiful, true, and real. The unity of this awe-inspiring thing we call existence. That is the true mind-opening value of travel.

    Understand, enjoy, and create!

    1. Hey Antonio! Good to see you in the comments section! :) Thank you! I'll do my best to give glory to God on this journey...

      Ha! That was fun to write...just felt like the right move. Did you know already about my study abroad? I don't remember.

      I absolutely agree! I'm already finding new perspectives and experiences here that are giving me a broader perspective, but in small ways, I'm also already experiencing your second point of the way that diversity can show the same truth from different lenses. A trivial example of that is how landscape architecture students seem to think very similarly and work in similar ways both in the UK and the US! It makes it easier to adjust, but is also funny to me, because they're so different in other ways, like the accent, and the way the studio is set up, etcetera. I'm looking forward to experiencing diversity and convergence of truth more in the next few months!

    2. Thanks for your reply!

      I did not know about your trip until reading your post. Wonderful news indeed!

      I look forward to hearing more about your study abroad.

    3. You're welcome!

      Oh, that's funny! I hadn't realized the news hadn't gotten around to everyone the old-fashioned way yet.

      I look forward to having you following along!

  5. That is so thrilling, Sam! I wish you Godspeed in your travels. :)

  6. SAM! This is so exciting!! I cannot wait to read all your posts!!! (For I have made a firm purpose of amendment to actually start reading posts again. What a lovely corner of the internet you have here. It's good to be back.)

    1. MEGAN! SO good to see you back in my comments section! :D I hope you enjoy following along on my England adventures!


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