May Wrap-Up

Hi guys! Thanks for reading! It's hard to believe that my blog has existed for almost whole month. In honor of my blog having existed for almost a whole month, I'm doing a wrap-up, because that seems to be The Done Thing in the blogosphere. And as a perfectionist, I cannot not wrap up on the last day of the month, hence the post on Sunday, rather than Friday. Aaaaanyway, this is getting awkward, let's get to the wrap-up! Here's what happened this month:


Well, I started a blog! Everyone I've come into contact with in the blogging world so far has been so kind and welcoming, it's lovely! Y'all are set of truly wonderful people. Special shout-out to Sarah Rodecker, who was the first one to find my blog, comment and follow me. :)

My posts this month:

Fun stuff around the blogosphere this month:


Well, I didn't actually know I was going to do a wrap-up post at the beginning of the month, so I didn't really keep track of my reading? Will try to do that next month. But some of the good things I've read this month have been:
  • The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, Vol. 2
  • Adventures of the Horse Doctor's Husband by Justin B. Long
  • Confessions of a Bad Beekeeper by Bill Turnbull
  • The Double Cross by Jackson Pearce
  • Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce
  • Never Turn Your Back on an Angus Cow by Dr. Jan Pol
  • Fox & Phoenix by Beth Bernovich
  • A large portion of the Mother-Daughter Book Club series (for probably the fifth time)
  • The Two Towers, and most of Return of the King (for the second time)
  • Aaaand a bunch more. I'll try to do better with this next month. :)


Here's a few things that happened in my life this month:

Yes, I'm typing this in the goat yard. This is Dora. She thinks I'm a good pillow, and I think she's a good backrest.

I continued to stay home/quarantine, but my family did manage to get to the park and an island near us (while being socially distanced).

My sister Legolas taught me to knit, which, to quote Jane Austen "has been a great amusement". Of course, Legolas (and Mom) have not stopped quoting this at me since I started knitting... 
My first project! I think it turned out really well.

We sold two of our goats! Our yard is a lot quieter, since the two we have left are the "introvert goats", but hopefully this means we'll be able to have babies next spring!  
Our two remaining goats, Dora and Cassie.

My mom was in the hospital with appendicitis for four days over Mother's Day weekend, and when she came home she was still exhausted enough that I had to homeschool my siblings for a week. (That wasn't stressful at all).
My crazy bag of homeschooling-everyone books.

We got beehives! I have named them Gondor and Rohan. So far, Rohan is far more active, but that's to be expected...
This is Rohan, with an extra super behind it.

My confirmation sponsor (Frodo) gave me these books, which I'm super excited to read:
Can you believe that I've never read any Chesterton before?

June Plans
  • Stay at home doing nothing  Go places outside where I can social distance but still get out.
  • Try to beat the rain (where we live, we call June "Juneuary")
  • Maybe get a summer job? I applied for one, but I haven't heard anything yet.
  • Read a lot of books!
  • Finish school!
  • Find a socially distant way to hang out with friends.
  • Eat ice cream
  • Snuggle baby goats (not mine--we didn't have any this year. Hopefully next year.)
Thank y'all for sticking around and reading! See you on Friday! 

How was your May? Any fun plans for June?


  1. Your goats are so cute! I'm sorry that your mom had appendicitis, and I hope that she's feeling better now!

    1. Thank you! I think so too. :) And yes, my mom is feeling much better!

  2. YOU MUST KEEP US UP TO DATE WITH YOUR COWRITING! I'm a huge fan of the process when done well and I'm so excited that Jules's series is encouraging people to give it a shot.

    Also, thanks for the shoutout! I'm glad your entrance to the blogging world has been positive.

    I hope your mother continues to do well (and I feel ya on having to teach younger siblings).

    Also, your goats are cute! And your knitting looks awesome!

    1. I will! I'm really excited about this project, more excited than I have been about a writing project in awhile, so pretty soon you may have trouble getting me to stop talking about it...

      You're welcome!

      Thank you! (And now I definitely have more sympathy for what Mom puts up with on a daily basis, lol. I think my siblings are glad to have her back.)

      Thank you, and thank you! The knitting was a lot of fun, but a lot of work, too.

  3. Aw, I’m sorry to hear about your mom - I hope she is recovering well. Appendicitis is not fun . . . (but congratulations on making it through sibling-homeschooling! XD)

    And that first knitting project looks awesome!!

    I hope you have a fantastic June, Samantha! <3 <3

    1. She is indeed feeling much better, which we're all very happy about (especially my siblings, since she's back to homeschooling them XD)

      Thank you! It took me awhile, so I'm glad it turned out so well.

      You too! <3 <3

  4. Okay, so "Never Turn Your Back on an Angus Cow" is the best book title EVER (though to be fair, my 3 angus cows are pretty well behaved).

    But I'm so THRILLED that you're co-writing!!! It's SO MUCH FUN and honestly, it brings about so many fun memories!!! <3

    1. It IS, and it's a really fun book, too. :)

      I really excited to be doing it! I'm enjoying the process, and I'll keep y'all updated!!


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