March Wrap-Up

It's been a bit of a weird month. 
For one thing, the weather at the beginning of the month was CRAZY. We had one day that alternated sunshine and rain (in varying degrees from drizzling to pouring) in the morning, and then in the afternoon in one (1) hour we got lightning, thunder, a hailstorm, rain, sun, and two rainbows. And then it was sunny for the rest of the day. It's fun living in the PNW in spring. XD
And honestly, my life was kind of like that this month. I either had everything together, or I had nothing together and was drowning under a sea of calculus and baby goats. Now I more-or-less have everything together. So that's good. *strained smile*


My Posts:
Review: "Concrete Rose" by Angie Thomas
Women and Action Movies
Review: "The Awakening of Miss Prim" by Natalia Sanmartin Fenollera
If I Was A Fictional Character//Taggish Thing
Baby Goats: Round 1!
Jem Jones Linkup: Quirk #7//In Which Blood Happens
Review: "The Perilous Gard" by Elizabeth Marie Pope
The 30 Song Tag

Around the Blogosphere:

Somehow, I've started managing to read only a more-or-less reasonable number of books per month? Rather than about forty? I'm somewhat sad and somewhat happy about that.

A Riddle in Ruby by Kent Davis
Finding Zoe by Brandi Rarus and Gail Harris
*Beyond the Bear by Dan Bigley and Debra McKinney
Parnassus on Wheels by Christopher Morley
*The Silence Between Us by Alison Gervais
Just Like That by Gary D. Schmidt
The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy
Theology of Home by Carrie Gress, Noelle Maring, and Megan Schrieber
The Unknown Ajax by Georgette Heyer
Deaf-Blind Reality ed. Scott M. Stoffel
The Sherwood Ring by Elizabeth Marie Pope
The Company They Keep by Diana Pavlac Glyer
Fighting Blind by Ivan Castro and Jim DeFelice
The Life You Save May Be Your Own by Paul Elie
Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich
St. Francis of Assisi by G. K. Chesterton
The Runaway King by Jennifer A. Nielsen
The Changer's Key by Kent Davis
Lovely War by Julie Berry
*Persuasion by Jane Austen
Show Me a Sign by Ann Clare LeZotte
Seeing Voices by Oliver Sacks

(Possible minorish spoilers for Thor: Ragnarok, Captain Marvel, and Episodes 1-3 of The Chosen)

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Men in Black

This was such a fun one! Dad and I watched it one night without Legolas and Mom, who were doing more...edifying things. Like not watching goofy Marvel-esque movies. XD 

In any case, even though it was goofy, and not as thought-provoking or having-of-themes as a lot of the movies I watch, I really enjoyed it. It's hilarious, for one thing. (That one scene where the alien is giving birth...I just about died.) And for another, Will Smith! He's such an amazing actor. 

Also, you can say what you like about the movie, but it has heart. The relationship between Kay and Jay is so sweet! Such a lovely mentor-mentee relationship, complete with mutual teasing and being an excellent team. 

At the same time, though, it was a little weird, in a very 90s way, which was definitely an adjustment for me, since I was not around in the 90s (by a very narrow margin). But despite that, I did genuinely enjoy it. :)

Image credit to the owner
The Chosen S1:E3

I was...not expecting to like this, I'm embarrassed to say! I tend to have a hard time holding onto my mental images of characters I've read about when I watch something about them, and I was concerned that would happen to me with Jesus in The Chosen...and it didn't occur to me until after watching the episode that I've seen a million depictions of Jesus and still manage to have my own mental image of Him...duh. XD

Anyhow, while I have a few minor (very minor) quibbles about the attention to detail in making it "period", I really enjoyed it! I love Biblical historical "fiction" books (I don't have a better genre description than that...) and I enjoyed this as a movie equivalent of that! 

Peter and Andrew were absolute perfection, right down to Peter's impetuosity! Matthew was very well done, and I love Nicodemus. (Although in my mind, he's a lot younger.) I can't wait to see how the threads come together!

I did find the stuff with Mary Magdalene (aka the main thread of this episode, oops) quite creepy. Because we were watching it as a family, we skipped anything that was close to graphic (i.e. the attempted exorcism by Nicodemus, etc.) and I don't know how graphic that would have been had we watched it, but my imagination more than filled in, was scary. Not my fave. (I would take a scary action movie over that kind of scary any day. XD) But of course, the ending was beyond beautiful. <3

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Thor: Ragnarok

This was...a strange one! It was like Star Wars meets Thor...I kept expecting the Guardians to show up! (And I was honestly a little disappointed that they didn't...) However, it was really well done, and I enjoyed it! (Aside from a few irritations that I'll get to in a moment, don't worry.) As is traditional with the Thor movies, I have a string of disconnected thoughts, rather than the tome that is traditional for anything having to do with Cap, Tony, or Natasha. XD

Loki and Thor's relationship in this. Is perfection. And the introduction of "Get Help". I love. I love it very much. And while Loki is obviously an antihero, and Lacking In Morals, I did like how he had Almost Redemption at the end. 

(On a complete tangent...the incorporation of "Pure Imagination"? Was incredible.)

Why. Are. Thor. And. Jane. Taking. A. Break. I am so very tired of this. Can we please get back to our regularly scheduled adorable ships? Thank you.

Valkyrie Person is super cool! But I don't think we ever got her name?? And if they are trying to ship her with Thor, that is going to get a Big Nope from me.

Eomer-person back again, playing a bad guy who is morally ambiguous, again. Does that actor play anything else? (I probably need to find out Eomer-actor's name at some point, but I'm having too much fun calling him Eomer-person. XD)

Banner! This movie pushed it over the edge, I think, and he's now a member of my fictional family. And I will protect him at all costs. From himself, if need be. (But aggghhhh that part where Thor tries to do the lullaby!) (And I'm kind of angry that they didn't resolve the can-he-come-back-from-being-Hulk thing?)

The banter in this movie goes to eleven. In fact, the whole script was just fantastic! 

"Are you the god of hammers?" I love how they address Thor's powers--whether they come from his hammer, or from himself. And the conclusion they come to is altogether epic.

WHAT is that ENDING, people? WHAT. IS. GOING. ON.

Help. Why do we have to watch four more movies before we get to Infinity War?
(We're going to watch Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, and Ant Man-Wasp before the last two Avengers movies...but I'm starting to feel like rethinking that.)

Image credit to the owner
The Chosen: S1:E2

In case you were wondering: these are PERFECT for Family Movie Night during Lent. Just sayin'. 

Okay, this one was just so sweet and perfect and <3 <3 <3. Idk. I loved it. The parallelism of the Sabbaths and Mary Magdalene telling Nicodemus about her healing, and Matthew sitting outside his family's house...GAH. Everything is so well set up and just beautiful! Oh, and hilarious. The amount of jokes worked into these is incredible.

Mary Magdalene! I love her in this. She's lovely. And actually, she reminds me of someone I know in real life who is just as lovely, which is fun. And her accent reminds me of Wanda Maximoff? Idk. Anyhow. I just like her as a character. A lot. 

And Mary's Sabbath! Is so sweet, but also hilarious, and just, wow. (LIKE. Jesus. WHO IS GOD. Is sitting. AT THE TABLE. While she reads. FROM HIS CREATION STORY.)

(But now I'm wondering if Mary Mary is ever going to get worked in? Because I want that. Very much.)

Image credit to the owner
The Chosen: S1:E3

This was adorable. And beautiful. But also, it made me think. About what the Incarnation means. And about various other theological concepts. The best type of show--both adorable and ponderable!

Okay, but Abigail? She is me. I about DIED at the part where Jesus asked her to let someone who was actually learning this in school answer the question. Cuz "ooh ooh ooh, I know!" is how I roll, too.

I did miss seeing the apostles (what can I say, I've gotten attached to Simon, Andrew, and Matthew!) but from what I can tell, we'll see them in the next episode.

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Captain Marvel

Again...wasn't expecting to like this movie as much as I did! 

I know a lot of people criticize this one for one reason or another, but I am here as your uber-positive Marvel fan friend, to tell why I actually really liked it.

The plot is absolutely brilliant. There were two enormous twists that I in no way saw coming. At all. Extraordinarily clever AND foreshadowed! Say what you may about any other part of the movie, but the plot was phenomenal. 

Also, the side characters! I love seeing young Nick Fury, but also Maria and Monica are fantastic. Especially Monica.


There's a fantastic female friendship! That's sort of twisty! I am a sucker for fantastic female friendships, as you all know, and that was totally icing on the cake. 

(I have given up on trying to figure out where the Tesseract is/was during any of the timeline. I can't deal with this any more. XD)

Now. Vers. I do think she's a little bit OP. However. She's also awesome. Because, I'm sorry, but she's a female pilot! Who is unabashedly sassy and hardcore, but at the same time, has a huge soft spot for her friends. She's also a good example of humility and admitting when you're wrong, but at the same time, fighting for what's right. She doesn't let herself be baited. She knows who she answers to. She's determined. And I just...I like her a lot. It's kind of hard to express why. But I do. 
(Okay, I guess I have one example of why. That scene where the Supreme Intelligence is showing her all the times she fell down as a kid, every mean comment that was made, EVERYTHING, and she shoots right back with every time she stood back up again!!! Tell me that wasn't absolutely epic.)

And UM THAT AFTER-CREDITS SCENE?! Legolas and I were both quietly screaming. (AND WHERE IS MY TONY?!) HOWWWWWW am I supposed to wait for three more movies to get to Infinity War?

Image credit to the owner
The Chosen: S1:E4

I loved being back with Simon and Andrew and Matthew again! (Also, I am now convinced that Matthew is autistic, and I think that's so cool, and I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.) Peter. What a ridiculous lovable spastic mess. His journey of doubt and trust and faith is so beautiful in this one and I love it so much. (Although, did anyone else feel like the calling of Peter was slightly melodramatic? Idk. But the part where they're pulling the fish into the boat and Jesus is laughing was phenomenal.)

I loved how it was really obvious to the watcher what was going on, but it was still suspenseful!

(And Jesus using "I am"!! Did anyone else catch that?!)

Also, I somehow juuuuust realized that John of "James and John" aka "sons of thunder" is also John aka "the evangelist" aka "the disciple who Jesus loved". And my mind is blown. (Seriously, HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THIS? BUT IT'S KIND OF INSANE.)


This is a side view--the top is to the left in the picture.
Remember the full-sized sampler quilt I mentioned starting last June in THIS post? (It's okay if you don't remember. I barely remember starting it. XD) Well I FINALLY finished it! And even thought it's not perfect, I think it came out great, and I'm also really proud of having quilted it by hand! I'm looking forward to taking it to college with me. (And right after finishing it I promptly started another quilt. Because I have fun driving myself insane.) (It was really hard to get a picture of, because we don't have a lot of really tall things to stand on. So I'm sorry the picture is all weird.)

The baby goats are doing well! The little brown one (who we were calling Frodo, and who is now named Little Bear, for obvious reasons), had some issues with eating and consistent temperature regulation in his first week, so he's not gaining weight as fast as his siblings, but he's so stinking cute it's hard to be sad about that. Caspian and Cascade are doing really well and hopping all over the place and generally being perfectly healthy and adorable baby goats! (Oh, and we have a home lined up for Cascade that's only a few blocks away, with a family who is friends of friends, so that's exciting!)

Photo credit: Business Insider. I don't know why. But they own the image.
Speaking of college...GUYS. I decided what college I'm going to. And I accepted their offer! And I'M GOING TO BE LIVING AT THEIR NEWMAN CENTER. And I'm feeling both over the moon, because it was my top choice and I didn't think I'd be able to go, and also like a complete nervous wreck, because whose bright idea was it to let me go to college again? It just doesn't seem real that in four and a half months, I'll be living in a place that's thousands of miles away from my home. And I know you've all be waiting for this actually probably not, but whatever...drumroll please...I'm going to be going to...UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS!

We're going to ignore the striped shirt. Please.
I got fed up with having to put my hair up in a ponytail ALL THE TIME, and cut six inches off of it. Well, Mom cut six inches off of it. I like it much better now. Literally no one noticed. This says a lot about the sheer volume of my hair. XD (Seriously: my hair grows like, half an inch a month. It'll be the same length again by a year from now, if not sooner.)

She's knitting herself a sweater with yarn that was a birthday present. :)
Legolas turned 15 and I am in denial. She's still 4. She's not allowed to be 15. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. *cough* Anyyyywayyyyy, her birthday was on a Monday, so we had a celebratory dinner and watched part of Thor: Ragnarok on Sunday, and then went to Mass and got her a birthday blessing on her actual birthday, and had Indian food. It was a lovely celebration for a lovely sister! 

April Plans

  • I get Spring Break over Holy Week!!! *happy dance*
  • So, yes, going to ALL the Triduum liturgies (hopefully) that I didn't get to go to last year. (Except Tenebrae. Because--still no singing together. *sad face*)
  • Helping to prep our church for Easter! Which I also didn't get to do last year and am over the moon about helping with again! (I already helped with Passiontide prep and Palm Sunday prep, so the making-up-for-not-helping-last-year is going strong. :))
  • Dora the goat is due to kid over Triduum (or so), so that should be fun.
  • Remember how my friend Eowyn had a wedding shower in March? Well, I am GOING TO HER WEDDING in April, and I am OVER THE MOON because I did not think I'd get to go, because, COVID, and I am just...very, very excited. 
  • Starting Spring Quarter. I'm taking Organic Chem/BioChem, Biology of the Pacific Northwest, and Accounting, this quarter. That should be fun. (Actually, it should. Except for Accounting.)
  • Having my grandparents visit! My grandparents on Dad's side are fully vaccinated, so they're coming up for a visit, the first in about a year and a half. (We usually see them at least once, often twice, per year.)
  • (Oh, and also Fr. JJ is fully vaccinated and will be coming up here to visit in April, too! But he's coming up on literally the last day of April, so I kind of think that's more of a May plan. XD)
  • Read! A lot more than I have been!

How's the weather where you are right now? Have you gotten to do anything this March that you didn't get to do last March, aka the Month That Shall Not Be Named? Are you excited for Holy Week?


  1. (if I have a suggestion for your Marvel marathon: do not watch Ant Man and the Wasp before Infinity War. There's a spoiler for Infinity War located in the movie at some point. And trust me, you'll want/need to see it in Infinity War first. ;) )


    Woo-hoo for Holy Week liturgies! I really missed them last year, and I'm so glad that this year they're back. :D I hope you have a blessed Triduum and a fantastic April, Samantha! <3 <3

    1. (Thanks so much for the heads up! I definitely don't want Infinity War spoilers before I watch Infinity War, so we'll either defer Ant-Man and the Wasp until after, or skip the after-credits scenes as Movie Critic has so politely ordered me to do in her comment. XD)

      YES, I AM!!! THANK YOU!!!

      Hurrah! I missed them last year, too, even with the livestreams, and I'm so delighted to be going to the Easter Vigil in person!!! Thank you! I hope you have a blessed Triduum as well, Nicole! <3 <3

  2. *slowly pulls hair out* *tries to be calm* I absolutely recommend watching Infinity War and Endgame back to back (that's how I did it). BUT, Ant-Man and the Wasp goes between the two. You probably shouldn't just watch it after both (like me *cough cough* I literally only saw it in January for the first time) because there are important things for Endgame, but you can watch it beforehand like you are planning to. Just DON'T WATCH THE CREDITS SCENES. *very serious look* Watch those scenes (BOTH) only after you have seen Infinity War. Please. Sorry, I'm being this strict only for your own good.

    Hehe, sorry about that. XD Anyway...YOU WATCHED RAGNAROK AND CAPTAIN MARVEL! (aka my 9th and 5th favorites). Ragnarok is the funniest. It is just a blast! I love Loki and Thor and "Get help!". (My little sister was devastated about Thor and Jane taking a break, but my older sister does not like them as a couple as she was fine with it. XD I just missed Darcy). And Bruce! It was such a surprise to see him there, too! Loved that. And it's awesome that you love him now! <3 It has such a different vibe from any of the others which is so cool. Don't get me started on how much it annoys me that we don't know Valkyrie girl's name.

    I thought I was going hate Captain Marvel, but IT WAS EPIC AND FANTASTIC IN ALL WAYS. Nothin' more to say.

    (*cries* This whole time I've been so excited to see what you think of Spider-Man: Homecoming because it's my 2nd favorite of all of them but right now I just realized that it's not available on Disney+, is it? *cries again* It happens around the same time as Doctor Strange and is marvelous. Is there any chance that you will find a way to watch that before IW and Endgame?)

    (Dude, this comment is going to be the next book that you read because I've seen everything that you mentioned. XD) My family has been watching Men in Black for as long as I can remember! They are staple movies in our house. Rarely does a day to by without us referencing or quoting them. My sister hates the first one with "the scary farmer", but I can't choose a favorite. Jay and Kay make a great team.

    The Chosen! I love all of those characters so much. Especially Peter and Eden, Andrew, Mary Magdalene, and *names all of them*. As far as I can remember, the scene in episode 1 that you skipped wasn't graphic. It was intense and everyone was freaked out (rightly so), but it was well done. I love Abigail in episode 3! I'm getting more convinced each day that you and my older sister are twins because that is her exactly, too. XD Maybe you both have an "oldest sister" vibe. The way that they portray Matthew is my favorite. <3

    We've already talked about this, but I'm very excited that you're reading the Riddle in Ruby trilogy! :D I don't know what to think of the third book, so I look forward to your opinion on it!

    What did you think of The Unknown Ajax by Georgette Heyer? I've heard people talk about her books a lot but I've never tried one myself.

    I started a quilt years ago and...never finished it. XD Needless to say, I'm very impressed that you finished one!

    This is going to be another strange Easter for my family again. Especially because we're missing a family member who can't make it back. It was odd just doing Palm Sunday at home yesterday, but hey, at least I didn't faint. (Yeah, so that happened a few years ago. I've never done it before or since. I stood up too quickly, locked my knees, and went down. I was on the edge and a friend in the pew behind me saw it happening and caught me so I didn't hit my head on anything. We are a VERY small parish, so people were concerned about me for months.) (Anyway, I hope that story makes you laugh as much as it amuses my family to talk about it now. XD)

    CONGRATULATIONS ON CHOOSING A COLLEGE!!!!!! When I was accepted into my top pick I cried, so I definitely know how thrilling and amazing that feeling is. Happy April and Holy Week!

    1. Thanks for telling me! I will definitely NOT watch the credit scenes for Ant-Man and the Wasp if we watch it before Infinity War/Endgame! (And honestly, I'm kind of looking for an excuse to defer it, so...maybe we'll watch it right after both of those? We'll see.)

      YASSSSSS!! Ragnarok is hilarious and I loved it! "Get help" is absolutely fantastic, and I may or may not have creepily whispered the "Let's do 'get help'" quote in Legolas's face to wake her up the other day. XD (I missed Darcy, too! But I am definitely hoping we get Jane back.) I totally loved that Bruce is in it! It totally has a different feel from everything else, and it's cool! It's a bit like the off-beat feel that Guardians has, but unique. (Okay, I'm glad that's actually a thing and I didn't just...miss the part where they said her name. XD)

      SAME! Absolutely nothin' more to say.

      (Oh nooooooo! You're right, it's not on Disney+! But it is on Prime, I think, and I am planning on watching it eventually...I'm not sure if it'll be before IW and Endgame, though. Is it critical to see it before then?)

      (Do not apologize in the least, because I love your long comments on my wrap-ups!) Oh, are the other MiB movies any good? Some of them looked a little strange...XD Jay and Kay are the best!

      Ahhh, I know! The characters are so well done! (I'm glad it was graphic! But I'm also glad we skipped it, though, because everyone down to Gandalf was watching. :)) We might be twins! XD I think it is kind of an oldest sister thing. :) I know, Matthew is the BEST! <3

      I'm starting it today, and I'm excited to see what happens! I'll definitely let you know what I think/post a review on GR!

      I really enjoyed it! It had a subtle but hilarious sense of humor, and had a fun slow-burn romance. I have some (minor and highly philosophical) moral quibble with the ending, but I would recommend it! If you haven't read any other Heyer, though, and you want to give it a shot, definitely start with Frederica.

      They're kind of time-consuming! Thank you! :)

      I'm so sorry you and your family aren't able to go to Mass in person yet! I'm still praying for y'all. (Oof, wow! A similar thing happened to an acquaintance of mine at the Celebration of the Lord's Passion a couple of years ago, and one of our priests teased her about it for months. XD But I mean, it's better to have people be concerned about you than not care, I guess!) (I'm sure it's a part of family lore now, and I love it. XD)

      THANK YOU!!! I didn't cry, but there was certainly a whole lot of emotion going on! I hope you and your family have a very blessed Holy Week, despite not being able to quite fully participate in the liturgy. <3 <3

  3. Do you plan on reviewing The Sherwood Ring? If not, I would love to hear your thoughts via comment :)
    Ack, I love Ragnarok! "Get Help!" is a beautiful thing. And the play that Odin-Loki is watching at the beginning XD And Bruce Banner being so stressed out, because ME
    Ooh, I have heard good things about The Chosen, but I haven't seen any of it yet.
    Congratulations on picking a college!

    1. So, I don't think I'm going to review it on the blog, but I did review it on Goodreads! I'm running a bit short on time (I have a shivering baby goat sitting next to me waiting on his bottle and getting warm), otherwise I'd gush about it here, but my Goodreads thoughts are here:

      Ragnarok was amazing! The whole Loki-Thor relationship is absolute gold, and "Get Help!" is one of the best parts! THE PLAY. XD And poor Bruce. But that scene was SO relatable. XD

      IT IS!

      I would definitely recommend it! And thank you!

    2. Just read your Goodreads review :) Yesss, the characters are the best. Barbara and Dick's sibling relationship EXCELLENT and of course Peaceable is just wonderful.
      Give my regards to the shivering baby goat <3


    4. @Temperamental Writer, thank you so much for the recommendation, too! I so enjoyed both that one and Perilous Gard!
      Will do! Of course, now that I drove 40 minutes to get supplies to help him feel better, he's improved on his own...not that I'm complaining. XD

      I KNOOOOOWWW I AM SO EXCITED! (I honestly considered rioting last year, but decided that everyone had enough on their plates. XD)

  4. Love the hair! The goats are so adorable. I still can't believe how many things you read, it's amazing!
    Yes to more Marvel movies and Men in Black.

    1. Thank you! Yes, they really are. :) I know, it's kind of crazy. XD
      Allllll the yes!

  5. I had a ton of fun reading this!! The Chosen is so, so good. Did you hear that the next season is coming out on Easter? *shrieks* And what did you think of the tonal shift between the first two Thor movies and Ragnarok? I love all three but wow, there's a massive change.

    I'm so glad you can attend the Triduum this year! My church is doing singing but with masks on (which makes me have trouble breathing. Seriously, you trying singing soprano notes with a mask over your face :/), and I'm really looking forward to Tenebrae. Are you Catholic? The only friends I have (besides Lutherans like me ;) who know what the Triduum is are Catholic, but maybe some other denominations that I don't know about do it too?

    Lovely post :D

    1. I'm so glad! It really is! I'm so excited for the next season!!
      It was...definitely a shift. It kind of felt like Guardians of the Galaxy merged with the Thor movies? It intrigued me, but didn't really bother me. I like all of them!

      Me too! And I'm glad you can go, as well! Oh man, I have never had to sing with a mask on (we're still not having congregational singing, and I don't sing in our church's choir), but that sounds absolutely miserable! I'm looking forward to Tenebrae, too--that might be my favorite of the Triduum liturgies. Yes, I am Catholic! I didn't realize that there were any Protestant denominations that did Triduum, so it's really cool that you guys do it, too.

      Thank you!

  6. Congratulations on the University of Illinois! Ack so exciting. You'll do great in college, my dear!

    Evidently I have to watch The Chosen. I've been intrigued by it, and considering how much my family and I enjoyed the 2015 show A.D. (which was doctrinally AWFUL in lots of ways, and artistically not-great in lots of others), we would probably really dig something that was actually good.

    Ragnarok is one of my favorite Marvel movies! Get Help. *grins* Those two are just...I love Loki and Thor and their fraught brotherly relationship. And that moment when Loki actually catches the thing Thor throws him? *flails*

    Aw shucks you're too kind to feature me twice...

    A very happy Holy Week to you, my friend! WE GET TO GO TO THE TRIDUUM THIS YEAR. *shrieks and flails and squeals and faints of joy*

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you think so, cuz I'm a little nervous about it. :)

      Evidently you do. (I mean. It doesn't have to be immediately. But you should get around to it eventually.) It's not doctrinally awful (so far, at least!) and it's artistically wonderful (again, so far!) so I definitely think you would like it a lot.

      It's so fantastic! Ahhh Get Help. I have a feeling it's going to become a family meme... I know, their relationship is so perfect! And yaasssss that moment! *joins the flailing*

      Shush, both of those posts were amazing. I'm just recognizing talent when I see it! ;)

      Happy Holy week to you, as well! YASSSSSS I AM SO EXCITED! *jumps up and down*

  7. Okay first off HOW DID YOU READ THAT MANY BOOKS IN ONE MONTH?????!!!!!!!!! I'm like still trying to make it to the end of The Fellowship of the Ring. *sigh* Second, I got waaaay too excited when I saw The Runaway King on the list. I LOOOVE THAT SERIES!!!!! Is this your first time going through it? If so what do you think so far? (Sorry, but my obsessive fangirl side is wanting to kick in XD) Aahh, I've been wanting to watch The Chosen, it looks like it'd be sooo good! My sister's seen some of the first episode and was really enjoying it. Ooh, also, that is SOO EXCITING that you're going to the college you wanted to!!!! Eeekk!!!! *throws out party streamers and gives you a big ole cake* I'm SO happy for you!!!!!!! Now in answer to your questions:
    ~the weather is actually very nice where I'm at. I'm honestly surprised 'cause normally it don't feel this way until more like mid-April.
    ~Not really. :,(
    ~Ooooh YESS!!!!! I mean, I wish I didn't have school that week, but some of my classes' teachers must not understand the concept of spring break. *sighs* But I hope you have an AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL one!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. My stock answer to that is that I neglect other things I need to do (i.e. basic hygiene, haha) in favor of reading. XD It's a combination of that and the fact that I just am a very, very fast reader, and the fact that I don't have a whole lot of other hobbies, lol!!

      It is my first time through the False Prince series! I'm enjoying it, although I had some quibbles with Runaway King, specifically that the fight scenes were a bit awkward, and that Jaron is kind of...all powerful. (Oh, and that my ship, which is probably the opposite of literally everyone else's ships, got messed up at the very, very end.) But I still really liked it, because, JARON. (Never apologize for your obsessive fangirl side! Obsessive fangirling is what we do best on here!)

      It's really, really excellent! I would totally recommend watching it with your family, as well--there are so many fantastic quotes/jokes that can become family memes! :)

      THANK YOU!! *bats away party streamers and dives into the cake*

      That's awesome! Yeah, the weather here has been nicer than usual, too!

      Sad. Yeah. The world is still insane.

      Thank you! I hope you have an amazingly wonderful Holy Week as well! (And that you don't have TOO much homework to do!)

  8. CONGRATS ON CHOOSING A COLLEGE! That's so exciting!
    Baby goats are just the cutest thing ever.
    I love the hair! It looks fantastic.
    Younger siblings birthdays seem so crazy. It's like, "No wait, you should still be eight. How are you this old? Come to think of it, how am I this old?"
    Marvel! I really like Ragnarok and Captain Marvel. Such good movies!
    Hope you have a fantastic April.

    1. THANK YOU! It really is. Also, very scary. XD
      They totally are, and everyone needs to recognize this.
      Thanks! I like it a lot better this way.
      I know, EXACTLY! Like, how are you this old, and wait a sec, that also means I'm...old. WHAT.
      So good!
      I hope you have a lovely April as well!

  9. So rude of little sisters to always be turning 14 and 15 when they're supposed to still be 4. smh

    Ooh, The Chosen! My dad watched an episode or two of that and really liked it (and this is my dad we're talking about, he likes 3 shows + 2 movies in the entire universe), so I've been intrigued. I'm always really hesitant about any sort of Biblical fiction, ESPECIALLY if it touches Jesus's actual life, and my dad are together making me want to try it.

    Congratulations about college!! You're probably flying there in the fall, but if you're driving you should totally stop and stay hi - I live in Missouri?? And am willing to drive a couple hours?? No pressure though. And I hope you have an amazing time at college and learn All the Things!!

    1. I know, right? We need to start putting bricks on their heads to make them stop growing...

      I know, I'm generally VERY picky about my Biblical fiction (yes, especially if it touches Jesus's life, because that's REALLY hard to do well) but this is really well done! One of the things I really like about the depiction of Jesus is the love that's always in his eyes--you can see that he's looking at his creation and seeing that it's Very Good.

      Thank you!! Actually, we've been thinking about driving (because there's no one who lives nearby that we can ship my stuff to--and I'm taking too many books to put in a reasonable amount of luggage XD XD), and I would LOVE to meet up at some point if it ends up being feasible! (I'll be in touch. :)) I'm definitely looking forward to learning All the Things. :)

    2. (Plus, also, Illinois is Right Next To Missouri, which I didn't realize! (I am...awful at geography). So even if our route doesn't take us right by Missouri, we might be able to meet up in the middle at some point during the school year!)

  10. Congrats on getting into the college you wanted! (also finishing the quilt! that's a big job on it's own) It's been a busy month for you by the sounds of it. Your hair looks great!

    The weather sounds crazy. I'm hoping for a thunder storm eventually at some point purely from the fact I love them and we haven't had one in a long time. It's been weird here but not quite as intense as that. It did hail at one point.

    1. Thank you! (And yes, the quilt took foreeeever, so I'm glad to have it finished!) It has definitely been a very busy month! Aw, thanks!

      It definitely has been. Oh yes, I love thunderstorms, too! We haven't had a really big one in ages, and I want one very badly! It seems there's been lots of hail this year...

  11. I HIGHLY recommend you AT LEAST watch Dr. Strange at the very least before you watch Infinity War/Endgame because Doctor Strange himself is very VERY important to the story. Black Panther is quite good, but not as necessary to the story line (though there will be characters that you'll be like, "HUH? WHO ARE THEY?" during Infinity War). Ant-Man and the Wasp... I'd actually recommend watching BETWEEN Infinity War and Endgame... because while 99% of the movie takes place BEFORE Infinity War... the end-credits scene takes place simultaneously with the end of Infinity War, and the spoiler there is worth watching the movie slightly out of chronological order (it's kind of like how The Horse and His Boy takes place after most of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, but also before that book actually ends...)


    Yes, that first episode is pretty intense and dark. It was interesting, after watching the whole series and thinking about it... I was talking with Derek and his parents had just watched episode one and were like, "That was really dark." And it hit me like a lightning bolt... because JESUS doesn't show up until the very end!!! THAT'S why it's so dark. The WORLD was so dark... because HE hadn't come yet!!!!! Which kind of blew my mind. (The exorcism scene is a little intense but not at all graphic if you ever want to watch that episode again, they never get into anything graphic or inappropriate... we've watched it multiple times now with a range of audiences and there wasn't anything in there I wouldn't watch with my kiddos who range in age from 3-12... and I'm pretty careful).

    I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT EPISODES 5-8!!! ALSO SEASON 2 EPISODE 1 AIRS ON RESURRECTION SUNDAY AND JUST..... *dies* Have you seen the season 2 trailer? It released today and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

    Yes, Matthew is being written as someone who has Asperger's, which is really cool. It's neat to watch the "behind the scenes" stuff they post on FB and see why they make some of the decisions they do. I also love that they have this panel of a Christian Pastor, a Catholic Priest, and a Jewish Rabbi that they consult periodically... they may disagree on some finer points of theology, but that they can sit amiably in a room and agree on JESUS... that's just... how it's supposed to be. :)

    Sorry, I could go on and on and on all day.

    Your baby goats are sooooo cute!

    Oooh, congrats on getting into your college of choice!!! That's awesome! Illinois is my old stomping grounds (grew up in the Western Chicago Suburbs).

    1. We are planning on watching Dr. Strange and Black Panther first, for those reasons, and I'm sure I'll enjoy them, it's just that I'm really impatient to get back to my Avengers! :) Yeah, Legolas has talked me around to watching Ant-Man and the Wasp between IW and Endgame, even though I wanted to either watch it before and not watch the after-credit scenes, or watch it after...but she prevailed. XD


      Yes, EXACTLY! It really struck me while watching it the absolute hopelessness around ever healing Mary Magdalene, because they didn't have anyone who could cast out demons in the way that was needed, and...then Jesus shows up. And it's awesome. (Yeah, I didn't think it was graphic, based on the rest of the episode, but Mom and Dad thought the smaller kids might be disturbed by it...and I'm not especially sad they decided that way! But if I watch it again by myself, I probably won't skip anything, just because I want to see what happens.)

      I KNOW, I'M SO EXCITED TO WATCH THE REST! No, I haven't seen the season 2 trailer! *goes off to YouTube to find the video* *comes back* (Literally, I did stop in the middle of answering this comment to go look at the trailer. XD) Season 2 looks like it's going to be AMAZING!

      I love that! Honestly, even though I don't have Aspergers (as far as I know), I find him very relatable. :) Oh, that's so cool! I love that they have a panel that spans faiths to advise--I think that's part of why the series is so good.

      Don't apologize! :)

      Thank you! We all think so, too!

      Thank you so much! I'm really excited! Oh, neat!


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